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Opening Speech
 Hazrat Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir A. Azim (atba)

(Friday 05 October 2012 ~ 18 Dhul-Qaddah 1433 AH)

After greeting everybody with the Salutation of Peace in Islam, the Khalifatullah (atba) read the Tashahhud, Ta’uz, Surah Al-Fatiha, and then said:

A society is made up of a number of individuals. That’s why Islam has provided a lot of directions for the freedom, progress and protection of the individual. The individual has been granted full liberty of conscience by this revelation to the Prophet (saw):

There’s no compulsion in religion.

Each member has a mind of his own and is free to make his own choice. Man has been granted a free will and he can make use of his own judgement. He is not an automation directed by a blind force. This freedom of conscience, this liberty to choose and make our own destiny, that has been granted to every individual member as his birthright is considered – and justly so – to be the greatest blessing of God to humanity.

No discrimination

For man’s progress many avenues have been opened. Various are the ways and means at his disposal to make a headway in life. All barriers have been removed from his path. Islam recognise no BAR whatsoever, be it of colour, birth, rank, caste or faith. All men are equal in the eyes of God and all have been given equal opportunities. Differences in pigmentation and language have been explained clearly in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “And among His signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colours. In that surely are signs for those who possess knowledge.” (30: 23)

In the same way Islam explains the way and wherefore of the various clans, tribes and races: “O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may recognise one another. Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah is he who is the most 
righteous among you. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” (49: 14)

The mere fact of belonging to a particular people should not qualify one for an honourable rank in society but only good deeds should do so.

As for the protection of the life, property, and honour of man, the Holy Prophet of Islam made a clear and lucid statement in his farewell sermon on the occasion of his last pilgrimage. 

“Verily your blood, your property and your honour are as sacred to you as are indeed sacred the Day, this month, this city.”

During the month of pilgrimage, it is strictly forbidden to kill anything – even the life of a louse has to be respected. There are the principles on which rests the superstructure of the individual. Each member of society feels a sense of security and internal peace. Each one has a burning zeal and ardour to work courageously and boldly, for the progress and development of the nation and the country. Each individual’s heart is kindled with a patriotic love that causes him to be always ready to lay down his life for his motherland. That’s the real spirit behind the rapid advances made by certain nations. God Himself is pleased with the manifestation of such a spirit. 


Another infrastructural unit for human society is the family. To constitute a family, the most important part is the relationship between man and woman. Just as Islam has laid down certain rules for the honour and responsibility of man, it has placed woman also on the same footing with respect to man. The Holy Quran says:

“They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them.” (2: 188)

Besides, the Quran has placed both man and woman on the same status of equality so far as their rights are concerned by declaring:

“O you who believe! It is not lawful for you to inherit a woman against their will; nor should you detain them wrongfully that you may take away part of that which you have given them, except they be guilty of a flagrant evil; and consort with them in kindness, and if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing wherein Allah has placed much good.” (4: 20)

Moreover, the following verse of the Holy Quran shows the basis of the relationship between men and women:

“And one of His signs is this, that He has created wives for you from among yourselves that you may find peace of mind in them, and He has put love and tenderness between you. In that surely are signs for a people who reflect.” (30: 22)

The only means of creating a relationship between man and woman is marriage. In today’s world the choice of a partner is made on the following consideration: beauty, wealth and social standing. That’s the reason why difficulties arise and multiply, in social life. Our Holy Prophet (saw) has said: “The first thing to consider when a partner is sought for is virtue and moral standing.”

Beauty, wealth and social rank are transient things. The only thing durable and permanent is virtue which is an asset in a partner and which helps to tide over all the difficulties that crop up in conjugal life. 

After marriage, the best way to entertain good relationship among families has been summed up by the Holy Prophet in these words:

“The best among you is the one who treats his wife best, and I act better than you towards my family.”


In spite of these guidance and exhortations, it may be that human choice proves defective for some reason or other. It may happen that the married couple does not enjoy a blissful life owing to incompatibility of temperament, or as it may be said in this age of science, because husband and wife are not turned to the same wavelength. In these circumstances Islam has made the provision of divorce although our Holy Prophet (saw) has said: “Of all the permissible things divorce is the most hateful before God.”

May be this accounts for several Muslim husbands and wives living separately for years and not divorcing for they have been told that divorce is the most heinous thing in the sight of God. On the other hand, we see that in western countries they go to the divorce court for very trifling reasons. Islam ordains that in a case of difficulties between a husband and a wife, both parties should appoint responsible people from their own families to act as mediators who would try to bring about a reconciliation. Consequently the Holy Quran says: “And if you fear a breach between them, then appoint an arbitrator from her folk. If they (the arbitrators) desire reconciliation, Allah will effect it between them. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” (4: 36)

However, if the mediation fails and the reconciliation becomes impossible then they resort to divorce, just as a surgical operation becomes necessary, when other remedies prove inefficacious. In the divorce case, too, Islam asks the husband to deal equitably with his wife as regards her financial situation. 

The wife has no right to remarry until three menses are over. If she is pregnant, the husband has to provide for her till she has delivered. The husband has to support his wife and so all financial burdens are put on his shoulders, although the wife may be an earning member of the family and earn even more than her husband. 


I am convinced that the Islamic teaching regarding marriage and divorce can help to solve many social problems and eradicate the many ills human flesh is heir to. Many unsuccessful marriages are due to the fact that both men and women do not have a proper control over their carnal passion and are inclined towards adultery and fornication. This social evil has taken vast proportions and has become a cancer worm of society. Prostitution has become a sort of trade and has been legalised in many countries and is on the way of being legalised in other countries according to certain newspaper reports. Thus a very big social evil, an evil condemned by all religions, which has gotten a social status and official recognition by the laws of the several countries of the world. 

According to Islam, adultery is the enemy NUMBER ONE of society and is punishable by law. However, in certain circumstances a husband is compelled to seek the companionship of another woman, for example, if a wife is contaminated with leprosy, suffer from some incurable disease, or is barren and cannot bring forth children to satisfy the paternal craving of her husband. In the same way there may be a surplus of women in a country as it happened after the last world war. 

In these circumstances is it advisable that men and women should live a free licentious life, commit adultery and give birth to countless unwanted babies that would become a burden to society and to government? Not at all. To meet this emergency Islam has given permission to man to marry more than one wife when the need arises, but he should not exceed four wives. Besides all the wives should receive equal treatment which is not an easy affair. The world that was anti-Islam on the question of divorce has had to resort to it through legislation. The same world is up to now against POLYGAMY with the ills attendant upon such a measure. Let us hope it will come up to the standard of Islam and make special legislation to adopt and legalise Polygamy as it is far better than adultery. 


Now I should like to say a few words on the Islamic teachings concerning the right upbringing of children. Islam has laid a strong emphasis on this point. Many social evil can be removed by the way we bring up our children, and the future generation may be saved from a lot of difficulties if kids are brought up properly and made to follow certain lines of conduct. Because we belong to diverse religion and diverse races, our children grow up with certain prejudices that could be eliminated through proper education in their very childhood. Let us teach our children to love one another irrespective of caste, colour or cult. Let us tell them that the same blood courses through their veins and the incidence of birth in different homes does not make them different from one another. All children are equal and hence they should love one another. The fact of belonging to such a religion or such a race does not make one superior and another inferior. All are children of God and there should be no ill-feelings, rancour or hatred among them. 


The first guidance offered to us by the religion of Islam is that husband and wife should marry on the basis of virtue and good moral standing. All psychologists agree on the point that the moral standing of parents leave an abiding impression on the children born of their union. Another guidance is that at the moment of this sexual relationship the father and mother say this prayer:

“O our God, keep us away from Satan and keep Satan away from us.”

That is at the moment of planting the seed it is necessary to invoke the blessings of God so that the fruit thereof may be good and wholesome. Then when the child is born, the Azan and Iqamat (calls to prayer) are read in the baby’s ears. Thus on the clear and virgin tape of its mind some good words are recorded. We have the examples of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Zakariyya who offered repeatedly special prayers on behalf of their children. As if Islam lays down the responsibilities upon parents to start praying for children even before their birth so that the children when born may become good and respectable citizens capable of coping with the difficulties of life and fighting the social evils of their time. The Holy Quran further says:

“Do not kill your children through fear of poverty.”

That is to say, parents should spare no expenses but rather consent to a lot of sacrifices, to bring up their children properly and give them a sound education. They should also see to it that apart from the right upbringing, the children receive the best of cares, so far as their physical health is concerned. Hazrat Muhammad (saw) has even asked parents to have a strong control upon themselves and not to be in a hurry to bring forth one baby after another. The husband must know approximately the moment when his wife does not ovulate so that he can have sexual relations with her, so that this can act as a precaution till their child is weaned with its mother, and thus afterwards they can plan to have another baby with the permission of Allah. Family life should be planned in such a way that both husband and wife should profit by it and that evil also should not be propagated in the world as it is the case today with PILLS. Islam does not allow Family Planning on the ground of undernourishment or shortage of food. The food production is increasing daily. 

According to the Holy Quran one seed can yield 700 and even more. One shining principle in the proper bringing up of children has been thus enunciated by the Holy Prophet of Islam (saw): “Honour and trust children and cultivate the spirit of TRUST in them.”


Now, allow me to pinpoint certain directives offered by Islam to get rid of some social evils and build a better and progressive society:

1. There should be a good relationship between the high and the low, the aged and the young. 

2. Beggary is looked down on with extreme displeasure. The Holy Prophet (saw) has said: “The hand of the donor is better than the hand of the taker.” There came a period in history when people had charity to give but there were no takers. 

3. With regard to our neighbours, the needy and the orphans, the Holy Quran has laid this order: “And worship Allah and associate naught with Him and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.” (4: 37)

4. Although Islam has rendered the State responsible to cater for the primary needs of mankind as food, clothing and housing, yet it has said that the best earning in what man gets by the sweat of his own brow.

5. Many disputes take place because a head of household throws rubbish in the street or in front of a neighbour’s house. Islam has given clear directions on this matter and has even gone so far as to say that it’s a good action to remove harmful things from the road.

In the same way Islam does not permit one to enter a house without the owner’s permission. When a person returns to his own house he should inform the inmates and say Salaam to them.

6. In the same way to promote love and friendship Islam has recommended the exchange of gifts between neighbours and friends. The best gift is the offering of the prayerful wish called “Assalamu Alaikum”, that is, May peace be with you. 

7. Many of the social evils of our country can be removed by the leading of a simple life. Our food, our clothing, our way of life should be based on simplicity and moderation. The simpler we are the better we win friendship. 

8. To avoid the clash between capital and labour, the Industrial court could follow this golden rule: “The artisan should be given his wages – an adequate one – before the sweat on his body has dried up,” as has said our Holy Prophet (saw). 

9. To end this series of directions I quote a verse of the Holy Quran, in Surah Al-Maida: “Help one another in righteousness and piety; but help not one another in sin and transgression.” (5: 3)

My message is, we should work in close cooperation with one another towards the betterment of society and nation. We should not injure anybody by our hands or our tongues. If we share one another’s joys and sorrows there is no reason why we should not live a life of peace and harmony in this world. Surely then God will bless us and help us. (Amin)