In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful


Speech Of The Khalifatullah Al-Massih Al-Maoud Hazrat Munir A. Azim


09 November 2010 at St-Julien


(Summary of the Speech)


After having greeted the distinguished guests and members of the Jamaat with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, and Taouz and then he said:



Before he delivered his speech, the Messiah of this era thanked all the honourable guests and all the members for their presence. Then before he went deep into his subject, he made all of us understand that despite our different religious beliefs we have to live in harmony, for it is this which makes the beauty of Mauritius, our beloved country. Everybody, be he a man or a woman has to fulfil his or her very important role assigned to him or her in society. We all have the same blood running in our veins and therefore, if tomorrow we are in big trouble, no one will choose to which religion or race or colour so and so has. If the latter’s blood can be useful for him to save his life, then he will not look at the donor’s religious beliefs, but rather at the group of blood he has which can save his life. When blood is needed to save one’s life, no one can object to this demand and supply.


Moreover, he brushed the picture of how we should all be together, all religions united. But unfortunately men have forgotten the unique God and they have fallen prey to great calamities. If we compare modern life with that of long ago, this marks a huge difference. Long ago people of all religions were good-mannered, polite, cultured, bidding salutation with great respect to everyone (be it little ones and elders). But what is happening nowadays, all these good manners have disappeared. Youngsters of today are no more interested in religion; very few will go to the mosque, mandir or church to pray sincerely. Today we are facing one of the biggest calamities of the world: drug addiction, cigarettes, and alcoholism; in other words, intoxication which leads these youths to committing theft in their own houses so that they can provide themselves with drugs.




Drug can be in the form of tablets, capsule, potion, in powder or injection. Someone who is in perfect health can become the worst creature of this world if ever he happens to fall prey of it. His life then changes completely. The most precious gift given of God is Health! – “HEALTH IS WEALTH”. If he is not enjoying a sound health, of what use is this life to him? The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness”.


Health is very precious. It is one of the most honourable riches which God has gifted us with. Nowadays when people are facing great difficulties, instead of knocking at the door of the Creator of the universe, they prefer to bow in front of creatures like themselves. When they can no longer find any solution to their problems despite great expenses etc., it is then that they realise that they must turn to God. But this should not happen in this way. We all have to knock at the door of the unique God first. If someone happens to commit mistakes or faults or any bad actions and he has entered into the world of drug and so on, then afterwards he realises the wrongness of his bad deeds and asks repentance sincerely and reforms himself in his conduct and behaviours, therefore God forgives him especially when he recognises that his Creator is the unique God. God is the one to whom all of us should turn to.


Health is very important. Who, in this world, has the full certitude that he shall never die? Who know the time of his death? Only the unique God holds his life in His Powerful Hands. But when we taste drug, we are the only ones responsible of destroying our health. The life we possess belongs to God, our Creator; then how can we destroy a temporary gift bestowed to us by God, our Creator. When we destroy our health, this is a show of disobedience to Him.


How can someone be a victim of drugs? There are numerous reasons to state how many of us can fall into this dreadful and heinous calamity. But the one which is most common is that we see our best friends inhaling or taking some drugs and we want to taste it and to feel the ‘exaltation’ in it. We want just to take a very little to have an experience but what happens then? Alas, that very little we’ve taken is tantamount to the greatest of dangers! Temptation! So NEVER touch the least amount, even it be at first sight, as this shall be signing the contract of our own DEATH.


Friends are not our models – Do not think that your best friend will lead you in the right path. We should observe and choose friends. Drugs disfigure our physiognomy. Look at someone who takes drug regularly. The light which shone previously on his face is lost completely. His skin is stuck on his bones – no flesh – he becomes skinny, dark, drowsy and feeling sleepy in broad daylight as if a walking living skeleton. God is the ‘The Fashioner”. He has given all of us nice and beautiful shapes; He has created us in the best form and now how can we destroy our health, our physiognomy and shape by ourselves?


In the Holy Quran (40:65) God states:


“Surely, We have created you in the best of forms”


Drugs remove the natural beauty which God has gifted us with temporarily in this world and now if you take it, see how you become – only skin and bones – no shape. If you do not enjoy a good health, so what is the use of living then? Do you know that cigarette is a drug also?


Let us speak about this drug which is sold everywhere and taken by our youngsters and elders all day long, anywhere – to be precise, in every corner of the streets, at home, at work and they are all considering this poison as an ordinary matter. If you have started with a cigarette, so we can except that our youngsters can later indulge in hard drugs. We must NEVER encourage our children and elders to take even one cigarette or any drug (be it cigarettes also for it is definitely drugs).




(1) If he is still too young, so when he takes a cigarette he will consider himself an adult – A man!

(2) He smokes because he wants to appear a ‘MACHO’ man.

(3) If he is still too young, he copies this bad habit from his elders.

(4) He smokes because all his close friends smoke.

(5) He smokes because his father, the model and Head of the family smokes...


Cigarettes are poison. Nicotine which is found in cigarettes is a dreadful substance for our lungs and cardiac system. If someone injects 500mg of nicotine in his blood, he will not survive – nicotine causes immediate death. So this makes us realize how cigarettes are heinous and awful to our health. When the leaves are burnt a black ash is formed and the smoke inhaled provokes cancer, especially because of the ammonia present in it; in other words, one can catch lung cancer very easily. The smoker does not have healthy, clean lungs. Instead, his lungs are like a sheet of sponge taken by fire and moreover he is liable to heart diseases and other health complications.


Cigarettes bring more complicated problems like mouth cancer, tongue and lips cancer. Many people think that when they smoke they shall feel a great relaxation in it. WRONG! NEVER! On the contrary he is destroying his health and body and his nervous system. While destroying the nervous system, his physical, moral and spiritual capacities diminish considerably.


Now let us consider how much time and money do we spend on cigarettes. An example – I don’t know the exact price of cigarettes on our local market now – but let us take the least amount:


Cigarette: “Matinee –      (a pack of 10) Rs 16

(a pack of 20) Rs 30


There are other makes, also like “555”, “Embassy”, “Matelot” and many other expensive ones.


Suppose an “Embassy” cigarette is sold at Rs 13 a pack of 10. He or she smokes 2 packets of 10 “Embassy” per day. And each cigarette costs 5 minutes to be smoked. So:


1 month                          = 30 days × 20 cigarettes            = 600 cigarettes

1 year (365 days)           = 365 × 20                                   = 7300 cigarettes


Now let us imagine that a young ‘man’ smokes for 35 years. He started at the age of 30 and now he has reached his 55 years old. So:


35 × 7300 = 255500 cigarettes in all, that is, 255500 ÷ 10 (a pack of 10) = 25550 packets of cigarettes.


The cost now:  25550×13 (a pack of 10) = Rs 332150


So in 35 years, he has spent an approximate of Rs 332,150 (flat rate) on only one item he uses everyday. Now the time consumed: 255550 cigarettes × 5 minutes (per cigarette) = 1,277,500 precious minutes of his life = 1277500 m = around 21292 hours of his life.


24 hours= 1 day

21292 hours= 887 days

1 year= 365 days

887 days= 2½ years


If that person lived only 55 years, so he lost 2½ years in ruining his precious health, time and money, he has burnt cigarettes for 2½ years in one go.


Mathematically, he lived only about 52½ years. If really we are responsible adults, do we have the right to burn that amount of money, time and our life (being, the Gift of God)?


Now ponder over these following:


1. Does a father have the moral right to command his child to buy a cigarette or a drug for him?


2. Do we have the moral right to take drugs through any method or to smoke in front of our young kids?


3. Do we have that moral right to place an ash-tray in our house, especially in the living-room where we receive our guests? We all know that government has placed NO SMOKING signs everywhere, in public places. Where is the value and honour of our home? (Should we make it a dump place where such poisons are allowed?)


4. Do we have the moral right to spend and burn that amount of money and as we can see everyday on television, in newspapers, magazines. How many people especially children are dying of hunger (famine, malnutrition, etc.) Do you know many children are dying, each minute, second, without food?


5. Do we have the moral right to burn that much precious time of our life to satisfy our passion, our leisure, our satanic desires, for the role of a true believer is to CONSTRUCT the society and not to DESTROY a society?


6. Do we have any valid excuse when millions and millions of rupees are burnt in cigarettes?


7. If you are really a firm believer of One God, can you sell drugs or cigarettes (with your full conscience and knowledge) or alcoholic drinks to destroy the health of innocent people, especially our youngsters?


We all have to pray God, the Unique One, the One who has created the heavens and the earth, so that He guides us on the right path and He endows us with good knowledge which is beneficial to us and to the entire humanity – such a knowledge which will make us difference between good and evil. Ameen.