A Series of Duahs...

Received by Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim

1. O my God, my Loving God, The way the righteous Khalillullah trod let me tread that beautiful way.

2. A’ouzo bé kalématillah’it taamaté min sharré ma khalaq.
    I seek refuge in the perfect word of Allah from the evil which he hath created.

3. Allah houmma beka ohaweto wa beka osaweto, wa beka oqateho.
 O Allah with the help do I strive, with thy help do I assail, and with thy help do I battle.

4. Ghufranaka alhamdo lillahil lazi azhaba annil aza wa afani.
  I ask thy pardon, praise be to Allah, who has relieved me from suffering and gave me health.

5. Bismillahil azeem, walhamdo lillahé ala deenil islam. 
    In the name of Allah, the exalted and praise be to him for keeping me faithful to the religion of Islam.

6. Allahoummagh firli zambi, wa waséli fi dari wa barikli fi rizki.
    O Allah grants me forgiveness for my sins, grant me expansion in my house and bless my livelihood.

7. Allahoumma inni as’alokal yumna wal barakata wa aouzobeka menas soumné wal halakaté.
 O Allah I ask of thee good fortune and blessings and seek refuge in thee from misfortune and destruction. 

8. Allahoumma raadda zallat
    Wa hadeya zalalat 
    Anta tahdi minaz zalalat
    Hud elayya, zu allati bé qudrétéka
    Wa sultaneka
    Fa inna hamin ataika wa fazléka

    O Allah thou art the restore of the things lost 
    And thou art the guide to one who is in error
    Thou guideth to the path of righteousness one who is led astray
    Restore me with thy power and might, my lost thing for verity that was out of thy         
    gift and bounty. 

9. Allah houmma la sahlaan illa ma jaaltahu sahlan, wa anta taja’lul hazna sahlan iza shéta.
    O Allah there is nothing easy except what thou so maketh and thou maketh the difficult easy whatsoever thou            liketh.

10. Allahoummakféna houm bema shaita
     O Allah let thy sustenance suffice us against them as thou desirest.

11. Allahoumma inna najaloka fi  nohouréhim wa naouzo beka min shorouréhim.
      O Allah I mace thee in front of them and I seek refuge in thee from their mischief.

12. Inna lillahé wa inna elaihé rajéoune 
      Allahoumma indaka ahtasébo mosébat fa ajirni fiha, wa abdilni minha khayran.

      Surely we are Allah’s and to Him shall we return.
      O Allah I beseech thee for the reward of my hardship, reward me and compensate me by substituting it with   