Text Box: بسم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim

22 January 2010

(07 Safar 1431 Hijri)

(Summary of Friday Sermon)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:

When Allah created the earth and sent therein man, He gave him all his necessities of life. He taught man through the advent of prophets and messengers the real meaning of His worship, and how to be grateful towards Him for all provisions which He has given him in the temporal abode.

Allah has assured His sincere believers that He shall always be with them and provide them in ways unimaginable. Many servants of Allah lose hope when faced with difficulties, trials, be it in their daily food, in religious activities or mundane ones. But Allah has said:

“And give him sustenance from whence he thinks not; and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him; surely Allah attains His purpose; Allah indeed has appointed a measure for everything.” (Chapter 65 Verse 4)

Thus, Allah is the Ultimate Provider of the necessities of His servants. He is Ar-Razzaq (the Best Provider – food and drink).

Very often man does not understand why some people have abundant riches and facilities of life, while others witness shortages of even the basic daily food. They fail to understand the role of God in this. Even Muslims fail to understand this, when seeing their own poor condition while seeing the disbelievers in better conditions, in luxury and prince-like comforts. They do not understand this “unfair” distribution of riches, whereas in the Holy Quran Allah has promised the believers that:

“And in the heaven is your sustenance and what you are promised.” (Chapter 51 Verse 23)

Now, we do know that this world is a very temporal one. Allah loves to try His servants, those whom He likes so that they may turn to Him and ask of Him their needs and wants, but Allah has well stated in the Quran that the goods of this world is only for a limited period of time, but eternal and plentiful will be the goods in the next world. Therein the believers, those patient and grateful to Allah shall reside witnessing no shortage of food and drink or other favours. Their light will precede them and they shall be contented with Allah and Allah also shall be pleased with them.

Now, the question arise, why this shortage on earth? Why abundance on earth for infidels, and materialistic people and restriction for true believers (save a few on whom Allah has bestowed both faith and riches).

Like I explained in many of my Quran commentaries, when infidels have left the unicity of Allah and gripped the robe of this temporal world, Allah has left them in this condition. When they forgot Allah and went in the search of mundane betterment and luxuries, Allah has let them do so, because He very well knows that which they are hungry for is very limited and temporal. Thus, when infidels ask for the goods of this world, Allah gladly gives them, because He knows that in the other world, they shall have nothing. They will be empty-handed, and hell will be their lot for they were idol-worshippers, and have mocked the signs of Allah, whenever Allah manifested Himself through His Messengers. Moreover, they preferred to follow the ancient religion of their ancestors who had included lots of innovations and falsehood in the pristine teachings of past prophets.

Thus, Allah let them have all that which they fancy in this world, as a play, as an amusement, only for a limited period of time.

But as for the believers, Allah loves them so much that He does not want that they attach themselves to this temporal world. Thus, He revealed to them the Quran as a witness for them of His promises of the other life. Thus, we find in the Quran that Allah has rendered licit both the goods of this world for the believers and that of the hereafter. The infidels want only the temporal ones for they do not believe in the hereafter, whereas the believers are encouraged by Allah to believe in the eternal aspect of the hereafter with its bounties and excesses (no shortage!). Thus, we believers must make this duah:

“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar”

Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire. (Chapter 2 Verse 202)

Thus, the believers ask for both, because for a given time, they need from Allah the necessities of life to nourish their temporal body but that which is with Allah is everlasting for them.

We have in the example of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq and Hazrat Khadija (May Allah be pleased with them) an excellent example of riches with faith (Iman). They were both rich merchants of Arabia, but when they accepted the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), they gave all of their riches for the propagation of Islam and accepted to bear poverty along with the rest of the first believers. They gave their all for the progress of Islam, and they were given the good promise of paradise in the hereafter by Allah. Allah even announced to the wife of the Prophet that she shall have in paradise a house of pearls wherein there shall be no noise. Thus, Allah restricts the mundane favours of believers so that they may enjoy unlimited favours in the eternal life, such a life which they shall enjoy without shortage. By so doing, Allah tries the sincerity of His servants, seeing whether they are prepared to make sacrifices for the cause of Allah. When they do so, Allah opens for them the doors of His Mercy, comforting them that He shall provide them both in this world and in the hereafter. Nowadays, we are sure witness of that promise of Allah. Allah has promised this humble one and all of you who are sincere in your faith that He shall provide for our Rizq, shall give us in ways unimaginable to us. And by the grace of Allah, since long we are witnessing the accomplishment of this promise of Allah. In difficult times, in dire moments Allah opens such avenues that render us rich with His promise, such manifestations of His favours which shall remain a sign for the future, for our children till the Day of Judgement. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions faced these conditions of poverty, but through the miracles of prayers, Allah put such blessings in their food that thousands beneficiated from the food which initially was meant for a few people.

Moreover, the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace) witnessed such miracles of Allah and his books are full of these divine manifestations. And now, in this era, Allah is manifesting His sublime and choicest favours on this humble one and you devout believers so that you may witness the signs of Allah and do not turn your backs to these favours and blessings.

Very often people blame Allah for their poverty-stricken condition, even “Muslims”. They lose hope in Allah and blame Allah for their condition. Thus, these people are casted from the sight of Allah for they have failed their test. So, trust in Allah and patience is vital for the survival of one’s faith. We, in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam must be an example of sincere believers of Allah whom Allah loves through our trust in Him and the ability to bear hardships along with this humble prophet of this era.

It is a fact that recently, so-called Imams from the Sunnat-é-Jamaat have caused havoc in the neighbourhood, wanting to finish this humble one and Ahmadi Muslims in general. One of our vital members has been the target of their mockeries, blames and they are doing such plots against her work, the means of her ‘living-hood’ (Rozi). Because of religious differences, they are causing difficulties for her in her unblemished work, but she stood like the lioness of Allah and refuted them all their arguments, and made them fled the place of debate. They mingled religion with mundane work, and project to cause much problem in her work. But by the grace of Allah, before their entire group, she stood to defend her faith and belief and to let shine the beauty of the truth of the claim of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) and this humble one, the Khalifatullah. Every Sunday after Zuhr prayer, they are holding private meetings to debate about this humble one, about my claims and what I have said in my Tafsir’ul Quran. They do not have the courage to come for an encounter with me, to refute what I have written, and proclaimed. Questions have been sent to them, but they have no argument to refute all these.

Moreover, some few words of refutations have come from Mr. Zafrullah Domun. He only sees Page 7 to refute this humble one. He and those who are with him are on hot seats upon reading the word “hypocrites”. But, let me tell you, it is not this humble one who has qualified these people as hypocrites, but it is Allah who has described them as one. He and his followers can say whatever they like, to go and question people they know and so on, but they fact remains that plots have been made, and revelations received by this humble one from Allah have been analysed in their laboratory to see whether these revelations were genuine or not. Mr. Zafrullah Domun has forgotten that at many times Allah in the past has revealed to him that all the revelations which I receive from Allah is true, that there were no doubt in them, and it was he himself who convinced his “friends” that Munir Azim’s claims is true and thus Allah has shown him (Zafrullah Domun) my truthfulness! Now, what has happened? Has Allah’s words gone off-track? Now Munir Azim has become in their eyes someone to part from, and his revelations not to be listened to. Consultation in matters of religion is present yes, but not when Allah has put a seal of approval on His Messenger’s “activities” and has already taken a decision – a Divine decision.

Whenever a Messenger of Allah comes, his foremost duty is to obey the orders of Allah, even if it displeases the people around him. ... On the spot Allah reveals to me as thus: “Qaaluu maa’ anta ‘illaa basharum-mislunaa wa ‘in-nazun-nuka laminal-kaazibiin!” (They say: You are only someone like us and we think that you are a liar.)

“O Khalifatullah, do not worry My Friend, be happy! In the face of these critics Allah has enrobed you with patience and mercy from Him. Put your Trust in Allah. Allah is Sufficient to You as a Witness. I stand along with You and it is Your Lord your Guardian. Let them O Khalifatullah discuss on such topics which trouble their dignity. That is because they believe, then disbelieve, so a seal is set upon their hearts so that they do not understand. When asking them to come forward to talk about the breach of contract with Allah and His Muhyi-ud-Din, they instead feel uneasy that they have been labelled as hypocrites. A prophet of Allah is never guided by people – the Guide of the prophet is only Allah – Inna hudallaahi huwal huda (Guidance from Allah is the best guide).”

They think that the Messenger, Muhyi-ud-Din raised by Allah is an ordinary man like them, and command him according to their vain desires. If Mr. Zafrullah Domun wanted power, now he is Imam of “Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen” (because he is not a dictator!) ; of course he will be satisfied that he has broken by his own accord his Baiat on my hands (and the hands of Allah) and has also been expelled from the mainstream Jamaat Ahmadiyya. What the Ahmadiyya Association has done was inhuman and biased, and what Mr. Zafrullah Domun along with his “Managing Committee” has done is simply infidel like Allah states in the Quran.

“Surely those who swear allegiance to you do but swear allegiance to Allah; the hand of Allah is above their hands. Therefore whoever breaks (his oath), he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever fulfils what he has covenanted with Allah, He will grant him a mighty reward.” (Chapter 48 Verse 11)

Furthermore, Mr. Zafrullah Domun said: “At that time Munir Azim refused to discuss matters of great concern to the Jamaat and we had to preserve our integrity and dissociate ourselves from him or else we would have had to associate ourselves with some of his reported actions which were questionable to us.”

Like you have received 400 revelations, Allah also have revealed to me these verses several times, when I was still amongst you people as Hazrat Amir’ul Momineen Muhyi-ud-Din of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen:

“Amanuu laa tas’aluu an ash-yaaa’-a ‘in tub’-da lakum tashukum” – Do not ask question on those matters if explained to you may trouble you.

But you people insist in questioning the Messenger of Allah to such an extent that these questions became a poison which finished your faith in the pure Divine Manifestation brought by Allah through this humble one.

O my disciples, Friday Last itself you borne witness the revelations which Allah gave me before starting the Sermon, whereby He told me that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, the Zafrullah Domun group and the Sunnat Jamaat would be creating havoc for me, defiling my character; but not to worry, Allah my Lord is with me. When Allah is with this humble Messenger, no man in the power of man can harm me, be them from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Asociation, the Zafrullah Domun group or even the other Muslims in general.

Moreover, Allah has vouchsafed me this week (Sunday 17 January 2010) the following revelation: “The state of the world is such that it shall witness all the more calamities, destructions which shall be a lesson for them for their disobedience to the divine commands. They have turned away from My worship. Haiti is in serious condition, and so will be other countries because these people have left My worship to grip the dirt of this world. Remember O Khalifatullah what I had told you so many times: Destructions, destructions, destructions – rivers of blood will follow, and widows shall weep and tears will be of no avail. No man in the power of man can stop Allah’s design. What Allah has decreed shall come. (Revelation – in bold – reappeared 8 times at 12.05pm on 20 January 2010 ) No worries for the believers who are sincere in the divine manifestation, whom you pray for day and night, who are treasures who shall be known tomorrow as the carrier of the divine light. You along with these people – not the hypocrites among them – shall prosper in this life and the life to come. Say to them: “O my disciples, bear witness along with Allah’s Prophet. I have come for both your spiritual and physical welfare…” O Khalifatullah, verily those who ask you to pray for them, Allah has blessed them with faith. They are those in your ranks for the betterment of the future of Islam. O Beloved One, your assembly is such that I your Lord am present to bless you along with My angels. This year shall bring in its wake many blessings from Allah for you and your people. Say: “O Humanity, heed the message of Allah, for in it you shall find peace and betterment for both your worldly pursuits and that of the next world…”

“Ya Khalifatullah qul yaa Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam! Baqiyya-tullahi khayrul-lakum ‘in-kuntum-Muminiin!...”

(O Khalifatullah, say: “O Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam! What Allah has kept in store for you is better for you if you are believers…)

The revelation is very long but I have included that part of it which may be served as a wake-up call for you all and for humanity as a whole. Allah has promised us His help. You shall witness it in all its glory; for this, you must remain sincere for always, lest you will lose this blessing like the others in our recent past.

I appeal to you all to contribute in the Haiti fund. We must show large-heartedness to these brothers, sisters and children in serious difficulty. This is our duty; to help others and to make them conscious of their duty to Allah.

I pray as thus: “O Allah, in You, I place my trust, and I submit to Your will. I advise your servants and inform them of that which You have revealed me. Bless them O my Lord, so that these blessings shall be a