بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

03 June 2011 ~


(01 Rajab 1432 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and:


يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ وَاللّهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ ۝


O Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do not do it, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people; surely Allah will not guide the disbelieving people. (Chapter 5 Verse 68)


… and then he said:


Allah is saying: O Messenger! Deliver to the people all that which your Lord has revealed to you. And if you do not do it, then you have not delivered His message (instruction), and thus this amounts to the fact that you have not accomplished your duty to prophethood, that is, not giving the giving Allah’s instructions in the capacity of Messenger of Allah. Allah shall protect you against the people; for when you shall preached the message, people shall oppose you, and react negatively (severely) against you, but bear in mind that the same Allah for whose sake you are putting into practice His instructions, that same Allah shall protect you. Verily Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. 


I have read before you this verse today so that you may shed off the bad conception that Tabligh (Dawa) does not concern us (Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam), or there are some who think that Tabligh is an additional voluntary work. This is an exaggerated and very bad thought. It is not at all like this. If it was an additional work, then Allah would not have told the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to accomplish Tabligh lest you shall not have delivered the message (and in the same go, not accomplish your duty to prophethood).


Ponder over this by using all possible reasoning, and see if only the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) got the instruction to do Tabligh? Had his followers obtained the permission to do whatever they wanted and all preaching (Tabligh/Dawa) fell upon the shoulders of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? These are like the humiliating words uttered by the people of Prophet Moses (upon him be peace) who told him and his brother “to go and fight and when you shall be victorious, return and inform us; it is at that moment that we shall come.”


If Allah had wanted, He would have given this victory but He has not given it. And because of this, Prophet Musa (upon him be peace) also had to undergo trials (and pain), for the time of promise had already come and gone and also because he had not yet entered the promise land only because his people did not collaborate with him. So now, for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), how can you say that this (Tabligh) is only a voluntary affair? Not only it is an obligation but it is also profoundly linked with the feeling and passion for when Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) addressed the people of Medina and asked them their opinion on war at hand (which was imminent); therefore these people stood up and said: “O Messenger of Allah, the pact which we had made with you before, that we shall fight only when there shall be attacks on Medina, and that we shall not go beyond Medina, then that promise was an old promise. It was a promise we made when we did not know you very well. But now that we know you, and that we love you, then today we have this to tell you, that God is our witness that we shall do it (go to war beyond Medina).” This is the reality of Iman (faith); this is true faith! This is the love which the companions had for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Never before had there been such nations (people) wherein prophets came who expressed such words, and such love (for their prophet).


Thus, today also it is for us now, as the followers of that same Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) who must do this Jihad (Holy war). And true Jihad must be done so that the Sahih al Islam (Authentic Islam) be victorious in the world, Insha-Allah.


Who can say that this (Tabligh) is a voluntary affair? If you want, you do it and if you do not want, you do not do it? This is a bad though, an injustice and a stupid thought. Today when the time of victory has come, will you leave the Community (Ummah) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) like this? When the Sahih al Islam (Authentic Islam) shall be victorious over all other religions, will you then recede and say that you do not know if you are being addressed or not? Will you say that verily there shall be one person who must come to do this work (Tabligh)? On the contrary, this is the same wisdom which occur when this command was addressed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah addressed all Muslims in general (to take up that work – that is, preaching Islam to others). When Allah did so, there were some Muslims who thought that when a group from amongst them was doing Tabligh, then there was not obligation for the rest to do Tabligh for they were accomplishing their responsibilities as in “Fard Kifayah” (but this is a wrong thought).


Verily, there are two wisdoms when Allah addressed only His prophet (peace be upon him). Firstly to show that: There is no one who has reached such a dignified status than you, that is, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and there is nobody whom I (Allah) love more than you. But if you do not preach the message, then it would be as if you have not accomplished your duty as prophet of Allah. The other message therein is that if Allah addressed His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) like that, the same Prophet because of whom Allah created this universe; if with this Prophet Allah gave him such instructions, then O followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), ponder over your consequences if you fail to put into practice this instruction (that is, Tabligh)? If you do not propagate the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then in which category will you be found? That instruction was made in singular mode, which means that it is the duty of every person, every Muslim (to do Tabligh).


That is why Allah addressed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) directly. He mentioned him directly and gave him this instruction, so that anyone who proclaims to be a slave of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), therefore Allah is addressing him at the same time.


As far as Tabligh is concerned, Allah has clearly distinguished it in that which it is a completely different affair compared to the other sacrifices, for in this verse; Allah is giving instruction to spread His message to such a person who was foremost ready to involve himself in financial sacrifices, physical sacrifices and in Worship (Ibaadah). Allah is addressing the one who succeeded in bringing Worship of Allah to its summit. Thus, Allah addressed such a one (His Prophet) that if he does not propagate His message, then he is therefore not accomplishing his duty as Prophet of Allah.


In this century, we are the ones who need to spread the message of Allah, of Islam everywhere. Thus, take the firm determination (to accomplish this work) and free yourselves from all your past negligence and start your duty (to give the message of Allah to your surroundings, and other people). There are many people who may have religious knowledge, but religious knowledge alone is not sufficient. There must also be experience in the field of Tabligh and one must put it into practice. Tabligh must be done with good reasoning, with solid arguments, and not, by force.


I wish to congratulate the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Kerala where the Amir Sahib, Dr. Thahir Sahib, Fazil Jamal Sahib, Hariz Sahib, and the others are doing excellent works in their own local language (Malayalam) along with the Siraj Makin (the ladies of the Jamaat) of Kerala. They even opened a blog which is linked to our official website. May Allah make them Mubarak in this noble work. I ask you all (all the members of the Jamaat) to go online on our website and click on the Malayalam section to see how much work the Jamaat of Kerala keeps doing: the translations of the Friday Sermons, books, refutations, the divine revelations which I received from Allah etc., and they are foremost actively regular in the field of Tabligh despite their mundane work and responsibilities, but nevertheless they find the time to do Tabligh. They would Insha-Allah hold in the near future a public meeting to make people aware of our message. May Allah make this endeavour of theirs be filled with His blessings and support, and may the pure souls be attracted to the Light of Allah, for the good of their own souls, Insha-Allah – Ameen.


And they are the only one (the Jamaat Ul Sahih al Islam of Kerala) in the era of a Khalifatullah, and in the midst of a Divine Manifestation to do such an extent of quality religious work (done with devotion). By the grace of Allah, they have successfully registered a plot of land and Mosque (centre) donated by the Amir Jamaat and they are benefitting to a large extent the divine favours which is pouring down from the heavens and verily when the Caliph of Allah (the Khalifatullah), and Messiah is satisfied with them, then definitely Allah also is satisfied with them. It is a great grace, blessing and favour they are benefiting that the Caliph of Allah is constantly praying for them and I pray all the more that may Allah give you (the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Kerala) more knowledge, good dreams, visions and even revelations, and enable you to double and even treble efforts in the field of prayer (Salaat), Holy Quran reading, and doing much financial sacrifices and Tabligh, Insha-Allah.


“And whatever you spend, He will replace it; and He is the Best of providers.” (34:40)


Remember one thing my dear brothers and sisters, that together we form one body. United, we can do countless works for the cause of Allah, for the propagation of Deeni Islam, but divided we are nothing and cannot reap anything from our separate identity. So the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam must represent that united front, one same identity which shall Insha-Allah be reflection of the united front of Muslims in the epoch of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and together with Allah’s grace and power, we bring about the Islam to its summit of glory, to the peak of Victory and recognition of Allah’s Grandeur, Unity and Infinite Power, Insha-Allah, Ameen.


I humbly appeal to our other brothers and sisters from the other countries to do “Fastabikul Khayraat” (vie each other in good works) and take such initiatives, like the creation of blogs, and translations in your own languages also. Be active participants in Tabligh and send me your reports. I must precise that I am not saying that you are not doing any work… but not enough! There are not much effort inputs and the works are slow. Thus vie each in good works. Remember that you are living in the epoch of a Prophet of Allah, not that of an elect of man. Thus, make the maximum of the rain of blessings which is falling upon you in this era, in the presence of a Prophet of Allah. You (for your time-limit on earth) shall not witness another same-like era again. Those who lived in the times of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) were fortunate people, having been blessed to live during the era of a Prophet of Allah. Likewise, one does not know when such an era of blessings (of the presence of a Prophet of Allah) shall occur again. It is only Allah who knows when he shall send again His Caliph (Khalifatullah) or Messiah or Mujaddid.


By the grace of Allah, one of my sincere disciple called my attention on the fact that the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) draw the people’s attention to the coming of a Khalifatullah, especially when he speaks about the period of a Khalifatullah as a Laila-tul-Qadr (Night of Decree, of blessings) and that when the Caliph of Allah comes down to earth, he comes down accompanied with the light of Allah which thereafter the sincere people who surrounds the Khalifatullah receive. By the grace of Allah, the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) has in other others say he has come to earth in the mantle of a Khalifatullah, but that which is much more surprising is that he has already said that not only in his time there shall be one (a Khalifatullah), but this Khalifatullah shall come in confirmation of his (the Promised Messiah’s) truthfulness. It is this Khalifatullah who shall come in conformity with his words and he shall come in confirmation of his truth like the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) came in confirmation of the prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), where the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said (while putting his hand on the shoulders of Salman Farsi) that when faith shall go to the Pleiades, then there shall come someone from Persian descent shall bring it back.


The Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) said in his book “The Victory of Islam”:


“Mankind is in a state of agitation and stir in anticipation of what is to come.


At that juncture, the ignorant contemplates that the world has taken a turn for the better, all by itself. Indeed, this reformation is the result of the efforts of those angels who appear along with the Khalifa of Allah (Khalifa-tullah) and confer extraordinary powers upon people to understand and accept the Truth. They awaken the masses from their slumber, alert the careless, grant hearing to the deaf, quicken the dead and raise the entombed out of their graves. Then, people suddenly begin to open their eyes and those issues that were, until this time, concealed from their hearts begin to unravel. In reality, these angels are not different from this Khalifa of Allah (Khalifa-tullah). They are indeed a reflection of the Divine illumination on his face and manifestations of his endurance towards his mission. Such a person may be physically distant or nigh, he may be an acquaintance or totally alien, yet all are attracted with a magnetic force provided the capacity of reformation is present in them.


In that period of the Khalifa all the moves of humanity towards piety and the generation of enthusiasm, be it amongst the Asians, the Europeans or the Americans, is the result of the motivation of the angels   who appear alongside the Khalifa of Allah (Khalifa-tullah). This is a Divine Law which will never see change. It is clear and easy to understand. It is your misfortune if you fail to ponder over this occurrence for this humble self has come from Allah with guidance and truth. Therefore you will observe signs of my conformity to truth in every direction. That time is not far, indeed it is at hand, when you will observe armies of angels descend from heaven into the hearts of Asians, Europeans and Americans. You are already aware of the testimony of the Holy Qur’an that with the appearance of angels is essential in order to incline hearts towards the truth. Therefore, you should await the fulfillment of this sign. If you do not notice this appearance of the angels or a clear evidence of their influence or an extraordinary favour in the hearts of humanity, then you are justified to contend that no one has appeared from the heavens. But if all these signs do come to pass, then you should refrain from rejecting the truth, lest you should be counted in the sight of God amongst the rebellious”.”


From these extracts of the book of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace), it is also clear that he is giving the good news of the coming of a Khalifatullah, who shall come accompanied with angels (that is, divine revelations) and that light shall brighten the hearts of those thirsty of divine light and of His unity and message. Therefore the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) clearly said also that there shall come a time when people shall witness those signs which shall come as a confirmation of his veracity.


By the grace of Allah, Allah sent me in confirmation of His prophecy mentioned in the Holy Quran in Chapter 62, the prophecies of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and also those of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace). I have made you understand several times in the past that I have come in confirmation of my master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), and Allah has sent me as the Khalifatullah of this era with an army of angels, and especially with the Holy Spirit so that all hearts thirsty of Allah, the divine light and the veracity of the divine teachings can find salvation and attain to the goal of their existence.


O souls! Converge towards that Light which is beckoning you to it, so that it may cure you from your blindness and establish for you your sight in such a way that hidden secrets become manifest. These secrets are found in the Book of Allah (the Quran) itself.


Moreover, when the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) wrote the book “Victory of Islam), for me personally, he did not say “Victory of Ahmadiyyat” but on the contrary the “Victory of Islam”. Thus the victory of Islam shall be found in the hands of a Caliph of Allah and it shall be in Sahih al Islam (True Islam), whereby he brings Islam back to its authenticity.


Do not turn your backs to these messages. Thus, maximise the implementation of these noble works alongside the Prophet of Allah. He also has a mission, a work which he has to do from Allah. When his work is finished, he also has to leave this world like everybody else. Therefore after his death, it is then that your conscience shall be awakened, and you shall realise (your error) but then it shall be too late. When he came to you, you rejected him and you turned your backs to his messages. Then you shall have (no choice) but to wait for divine punishment seizing you because you rejected this humble servant, his message and persecuted him etc.


Thus, Allah (Glory be to Him) sent me to give you the message. It is now your responsibility to conform to this message once you receive this message. I need to end here for today. Remain firm in the practice of good works, good deeds for the pleasure of Allah and do not forget to do a lot of prayers before and after doing any work.


May Allah be satisfied with the work you do only because of the love you hold for Him (your Lord). Bear in mind that with prayers and invocations to Allah, all works can become easy (to do). Without prayer, excellent efforts also go in vain. In the spiritual world, prayers hold an extraordinary place, a very high status. That is why little by little Allah shall uncover the true faces of the evil people, not only in Mauritius, but also in the Muslim world, and the other countries round the world. The Muslim World has suffered, is suffering and will continue to suffer if they do not grip firmly the Tauhid (unity of Allah), if they do not stop creating in their hearts hatred for their Muslim brothers, if they do not stop imitating the West and its innovations which ruin their pure spiritual nature.


By the grace of Allah, the past week was eventful whereby we heard about the arrestation of Ratko Mladic who was the head of the attacks against the Muslims and other innocent people in Bosnia from 1992-1995. Since the Safar Zikrullah of 2003, Allah taught me to do a prayer against the infidels, and since then I did not miss an opportunity to do this prayer so that Allah may manifest His anger against the enemies of Allah and that of the Muslims. The prayer is as thus:


“Rabbi la tazar alal arzi minal Kafiriina dayyara” – O Allah, do not leave any infidels on earth.


Allah postponed the date of punishment but when He unmasks the culprits, therefore their humiliation shall be painful and their consequences, grievous, but that which they shall reap in Hell shall be much more serious. The massacres which the criminals have committed against the Muslims, they shall verily pay for their crimes. O my disciples, all of us in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, our combat shall be not only by the pen and words (voice), but it is also an era of high technology and thus, it is my duah that you use this high technology in the best of ways, so that we may lead correctly this Jihad. This Jihad shall bear its fruits when Islam shall triumph, when Sahih al Islam (True Islam) shall be distinguished from falsehood and when the will of Allah shall guide our destiny; not our own very limited intellect!


May Allah give you courage and also our brothers and sisters who are suffering in each corner of the world. Soon, one by one, the heads of criminals shall fall for at the end of the day Satan can never overcome Allah, His Prophet and the true servants of Allah. Insha-Allah. Ameen.


Announcement: More and more calamities are striking and recently, in Germany and Europe as a whole, there has been the apparition of the Virus “E. Coli” which is present in cucumbers and up till now, there has been more than 365 deaths and thousands of people who have fallen ill due to the Virus.