بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Friday Sermon
Munir Ahmad Azim
(07 Rabi’ul Awwal 1432 Hijri)
(Summary of Friday Sermon)
After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:
ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُم بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ
“Corruption has spread on land and sea of what men’s hands have wrought, that He may make them taste (the fruits) of some of their doings, so that they may turn back (from evil).” (30 : 42)
My Friday Sermon will be exclusively on what is going on in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya of Mauritius. Since some times, words have gone around about some fraudulent activities (concerning finance of the Jamaat). Upon hearing that some people from London have come to Mauritius to investigate into the matter, then this confirmed the serious happenings within the Jamaat Ahmadiyya.
I have always thought that there is wisdom behind the saying “put the right man in the right place”. Since the nomination of that so-called “pious” guy to the post of Amir Jamaat of Mauritius, one can do an appraisal of all his negative administrative skills and deeds, evil plots, frauds, falsehood, abuse of power, the closing down of Tabligh missions abroad, abuse of Jamaat money for flights to other countries (for he must absolutely assist every Jalsa Salana), spending lavishly Jamaat money on halls for the local 3-day Jalsa Salana, abusing on Jamaat money for other functions while obtaining at the same time protection of his acolytes, the so-called highly educated and intelligent people of the Jamaat, be it in Mauritius and in London.
In the year 2000, he began to hatch plots, through his sheer diehard jalousie against this humble self and thus he sent his father-in-law and a Pakistani Missionary (who had graduated from Jamiah and having 25 years experience as missionary) to Seychelles (where by the grace of Allah, I was the first to establish the Jamaat Ahmadiyya) to undo my hard work and to say that there is no Jamaat there. He just could not digest the fact that a humble and weak person like me could do such a praiseworthy achievement, thus his plot to create chaos concerning this case upon my returning from Seychelles. Both his father-in-law and the Pakistani Missionary upon returning from Seychelles (after undoing all my hard work for the cause of Allah) went forward to write to the fourth Caliph to denounce the fact that there was no Jamaat there, labelling me a liar and thus sanctions must be taken against this humble self. Insha-Allah, I shall expose in a book all his abased activities against me and Zafrullah Domun Saheb, who from 1988 to 1998 was the Amir Jamaat of Mauritius, and who was also the first one to be in touch with the revelations which I was receiving at the time from Allah, and writing down these revelations.
At the end of December 2000, this present so-called Amir devised means and ways, preparing negative reports on me and Zafrullah Domun Saheb and thus, on 01 January 2001, we found ourselves to be casted outside the Nizam-e-Jamaat – all Ahmadi people knowing about our expulsion, all save us! Insha-Allah, I pray that Allah gives me the Tawfiq to write profoundly about these circumstances in detail.
Therefore, since the 01 January 2001, he and his acolytes, his right-hands have started a vicious campaign filled with hatred against this humble self and Zafrullah Domun Saheb, and till went on till today.
Another thing which happened and this grieved me a lot was when a daughter invited her mother for the wedding of her grand-daughter (the daughter being a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association and the mother being a member of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen). When the so-called Amir heard about the invitation made to that old mother, he gave strict orders that the invitation card be taken back from her. Now, how grieved must that mother grieved, what condition of despair and suffering touched her, all because of a king of imbeciles, coupled with being a hypocrite and infidel! He menaced that he shall not come to perform the wedding if the invitation card is not taken back from that old mother. How lowly of him to break the heart of such a mother! I ask myself if that is what the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) had taught his followers to do? Does this kind of lowly person deserve the post of Amir? Nay, he used his stand of power to bring to naught the teachings of Islam and so that people may be awed be him, filled with fear of a mere creature!
But let me tell you my dear brothers, sisters and children, that in the light of the verse of the Holy Quran which I have read at the beginning of the sermon, these times are the times of great worry, of great despair, of great panic, for whom? For the Pharaoh of this era, and of course for his acolytes, his yes-men and supporters!
Indeed like the verse of the Quran specifies, CORRUPTION – corruption has erupted like a great volcano in the midst of a mundane puppet-like version of the Jamaat of my master Hazrat Massih Maoud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). No real feeling of spirituality is perceived except for a few, for I cannot blame the whole of the Ahmadiyya Association for therein there are some who use their minds to analyse the fraudulent activities of a so-called Amir Jamaat and condemn him for it. But is this sufficient? Just condemning him and doing nothing? I hope that the person who has come from London is filled with fear of Allah and that the fifth Khalifatul-Massih takes his decision like Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) have taught us. I, for one, hope that this affair is not concealed and made to be forgotten for if this is so, therefore their consequences shall be grievous in the eyes of Allah.
Abuse of power has long made the temporal happiness of some chiefs but their lot is definitely the pit of misery and despair, especially when their acts move them to committing the worst, disregarding their conscience and prior duty to the people, but here in the case of a so-called Amir of a spiritual movement, his prior duty which should have been firsthand to Allah and to the good administration of the Jamaat of the past Messiah.
Thus corruption has spread in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya of what Ameen Jowahir’s hands have wrought, that He (Allah) may make him and his yes-men taste the evil consequences of their doings, but will they ever repent and undo their evils? Will they change the crocodile skin which they have donned to rob the Jamaat of its funds? The same funds which are hard-earned contributions of the poor Ahmadi people?
Under the guise of an angelic face, the Ahmadi Muslims have taken this so-called Amir as God on earth, despite knowing fully well his evil scheming and thus, with their own conscience, they firmly affirm their stand and condition – their bondage, much like slavery in the times of Moses (upon him be peace). Like the people of Israel, the Ahmadi Muslims of today despite knowing the cruelties, double-language, fraudulent activities, hypocrisy and supposedly godly attributes of a so-called all-powerful pharaoh of this epoch, they readily submit to his inventions and unislamic instructions and obey him instead of following the Moses of this era. The people of Israel, despite being in bondage, viewed the call of Moses (upon him be peace) as doubtful, suspicious (save a few) and they levelled on him all sorts of blames, but Allah cleared him of all blames and showed his superiority as Envoy of God over a merely mortal and imbecile who took himself to be superior to Allah and His Prophet.
Likewise, the Pharaoh of this era, despite being subordinate to a Khalifa, takes himself as superior and makes his so-called beloved Khalifa become a puppet in his hands. Indeed Allah described these kinds of people in the Quran:
“They have taken their priests and their monks for lords besides Allah” (9 : 31)
“O you who believe! Surely, many of the priests and monks devour the wealth of people by false means and turn (people) away from the way of Allah. And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah – give to them the tidings of a painful punishment.” (9 : 34)
By His immense grace, Allah has sent His very own Khalifa (a Khalifatullah) with guidance and a truthful Jamaat, enabling it to shine above all other Jamaats which exists in the Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya (peace be upon him) and in the Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Maoud (upon him be peace), even this state of affairs do not please the evildoers and opponents.
Since long, there has been much embezzlement in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Mauritius. There were many instances when exorbitant money was drawn from the Jamaat for expenditures which cost much less than officially requested.
In the Ahmadiyya Association of Mauritius’ history there have been frauds made by in-charges of funds, such money which have been missing from receipts and such money which has appeared out of the blue in the life of these people who beforehand lead modest way of life. Greed is indeed a satanic attributes if it exceeds all limits, for wasn’t it greed for honour and recognition from Allah which has made Ibliss revolt against Allah. It is this same greed for power, doubled with arrogance which led him to his perdition.
But unfortunately in the Ahmadiyya Association, despite the great frauds which had taken place, no severe action had been taken to punish such people who have rob their own Jamaat, such money which one and all had contributed for the good progress of the Jamaat. Or were they thinking: “Oh, how about robbing my Jamaat because it has too much money. The Khalifa is touring the world, why not me? Why not enjoy the money of the Jamaat members and enrich myself and my family members? Why not make like the politicians who have robbed money for the enlargement of their dynasty?” Instead of taking severe measures against these imbeciles, but what has been done? Condemning someone who says that he receives divine revelations and outcast him from the administration of the Jamaat and applying boycott on him and his followers.
There have been embezzlements in respect of the Nusrat Mosque in Quatre-Bornes (a fact which I mentioned in my Open Letter to Mr. Amine Jowahir on 27 January 2006), money-inflate of funds requested for the setting up of two gates at the Jalsa Gah. The initial amount requested was Rs.70000, whereas the values of the gates were less than Rs.40000.
Moreover, much lies is present about Jamaat Funds even in Amila proceedings. In a meeting on 04 September 1999, the Amila congregation was informed in Item 4.20 of the Minutes of meeting that:
“We have sent Rs.400000 to Madagascar for the construction of our school, as too much money is spent on the rent of a building for the running of our school there”.
An interesting remark is that firstly, the Majlis-e-Shurah never took such a decision and secondly, in a fax sent by Mawlana Siddique (from Madagascar) to Mauritius on 01 December 1999 (3 months after the meeting), the Mawlana has said:
“You will be pleased to learn that after so many efforts and patience, we have today obtained the property papers of our land at Andavamamba, Tananarive. Alhamdulillah. We most humbly request you to transfer the amount Rs Four hundred thousands (Rs 400,000) to our account in Madagascar.”
Now, why say “We have sent Rs.400,000 when afterwards, three months later Mawlana Siddique requested them to send over the money? Why this blatant lie? Moreover, there are instances when Jamaat money has entered the pockets of the financial in-charges instead of the Jamaat account.
Nowadays we have got to know that these evil acts still persist to remain in the Ahmadiyya Association, and this time the so-called Amir is pinpointed out, him being the ringleader and his yes-men as accomplices.
Recently I have made two dreams concerning this affair:
1. 04 February 2011 before Tahajjud prayers:
I dreamt that I was in the company of my deceased father Salim Azim (died in 1990) and I was asking him if he knew what had happened in Dar-us-Salaam (Jamaat Ahmadiyya). He replied in the affirmative, saying: “I am well-aware of what has transpired!” Thereupon I told him that I do not have the full information about this affair and I asked him to explain it to me for this information is vital to me. I asked him that question several times and he told me that a great fraud has taken place. I asked him who is behind it and he confirmed to me what was in my mind that it was indeed the so-called Amir Jamaat of Mauritius who is taking himself as a truthful man and who is instilling fear in the hearts of people lest he expel them from the Jamaat.
2. 06 February 2011 before Tahajjud prayers:
I dreamt of my deceased brother Azize Azim (died in 2006) who was driving a bus wherein there were passengers and I saw the National Finance Secretary of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya (Mr. Shams Varsally) sitting at the front.
When the bus stopped at a bus stop and I entered therein, my brother Azize (the driver) gave me a lot of sweets (lolly-pops) and other sweet cakes and when I was going to find a place to sit down, the Finance Secretary of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya got up from the front seat and came to the rear (with fury), for fear I sit beside him. He made a move for a seat beside him (to enable me not to sit down) but when I saw that, I disregarded him and knocked down the seat and went to sit in another seat. He was disconcerted with my reaction. When the time came to get down the bus, I got down and the Finance Secretary of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya also got down the bus but when he got down, he was without shoes and his feet were ugly and dirty.
Therefore I understood from these dreams that both the so-called Amir and his Finance Secretary are involved in these serious money matters. Despite investigations from London officials, even if their caliph may come to forgive them and rearrange the matters in their favours, but it shall not be long when the hands of Allah shall seize them, especially the head of hypocrites and one of the best evil schemers which this era is witness of.
“Hypocrites are those who are attracted by their desires where they can take full control over everything. When they enter (the mosque), everyone sitting has to stand up and salute Mr. Hypocrite, the worldly king of the hypocrites. And they always wish that power lies always in their hands. But they ignore that their work is useless and fruitless both in this world and in the afterlife.
Despite Allah has given them all the blessings and favours, signs, and proofs of His manifestation, but unfortunately they cause division and disputes as if they know everything and as if they are always right.
These people will always face dishonour wherever they go. They have attracted the wrath of Allah upon them and they face many miseries because they have rejected the signs of Allah and ridiculed the prophet of Allah. By their misbehaviours, neither their wealth nor their children will save them. They are causing lots of troubles to their own soul.” (Extract of my book “The face of the Hypocrites”)
Wait Mr. so-called Amir, I also am waiting along with you. Allah delay but never misses His target. You have got respite but for how long do you expect to remain at the head and robbing the Jamaat members of the money they contributed. They contributed it for Jamaat religious activities and other important developments, or for your own personal enrichment? For how long will these people remain blind of your true colours, the colours of a hypocrite, a double-language person, a schemer, a liar, a chaos creator (especially in the case of my expulsion from the Nizam-e-Jamaat along with Zafrullah Domun Saheb). For how long do you think that you shall do whatever you like? People like you are deprived of fear of Allah. Personally, I do not see that you even fear your Khalifa. Actually, poor Khalifa; he is being manoeuvred by your skilled hands, the hands of a schemer and power-thirst idiot. Do you not know of this story, the story of “IZNOGOOD”. Poor him, he wanted to be Caliph in the place of the Caliph! No scheming was enough for him to earn that place and be considered chief and meritorious of the status of caliph.
But in this case, the caliph is a puppet in your hands, and you in your own way are misguiding the people, deluding themselves into believing that your words are the words of the caliph, when instead your words should have been the words of the Quran and Hadiths. But don’t worry, like several times in the past Allah has communicated to me to say: “I am coming very soon!”
“As they are going against the teachings of the Holy Quran, I must fight them as the Khalifatullah of this era because if the power of these kinds of people who are double-language (hypocrites) are not broken, they will create all the more disorder in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya and in Ummaté Muhamadiyya (peace be upon him) and will sever all the more all ties of kinship and trample under their feet all rightful claims. If I leave him and his acolytes like this or refuse to fight with these hypocrites now, Jamaat Ahmadiyya will continue to suffer from disruption and disintegration and forces of evil would stalk in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Ameen Jowahir and his friends do not ponder over the Quran and do not try to understand and realise the real purpose of the teachings of Islam; they lose their spiritual sight and hearing and begin to find fault with the other people who follow the Quranic teachings. These kinds of people, never like that any good should be sent down to the faithful from their Lord. A hypocrite is too wily a person to burn his boats. He faces both ways. He never talks straight and always indulges in ambiguous and equivocal speech so that it conveys one sense to one person and quite another sense to another person. It is to this crooked manner of speech that hypocrites adapt to and adopt. Insha-Allah, Almighty Allah will soon expose their double-facedness.” (Extract of the Open Letter to Mr. Amin Jowahir on 04 April 2010 – written under divine inspiration)
“In the long run evil in the extreme will be the End of those who do evil; for that they rejected the Signs of God, and held them up to ridicule.” (Revelation) |