Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim
27 May 2011 ~

(23 Jamadul Aakhir 1432 Hijri)

(Summary of Friday Sermon) 

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and:

CHAPTER AL-ANAM (6 :66 & 68) 

قُلْ هُوَ الْقَادِرُ عَلَى أَن يَبْعَثَ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابًا مِّن فَوْقِكُمْ أَوْ مِن تَحْتِ أَرْجُلِكُمْ أَوْ يَلْبِسَكُمْ شِيَعًا وَيُذِيقَ بَعْضَكُم بَأْسَ بَعْضٍ انظُرْ كَيْفَ نُصَرِّفُ الآيَاتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَفْقَهُونَ ﴿66﴾ لِّكُلِّ نَبَإٍ مُّسْتَقَرٌّ وَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿68﴾ 

Qul Huwal-Qaadiru ‘alaaa ‘ayy-yab ‘asa ‘alaykum ‘azaabum min-fawqikum ‘aw min tahti ‘arjuli-kum ‘aw yal-bisakum shiya-‘aww wa yuziiqa ba’-dakum ba’-sa ba’-d. ‘Unzur kayfa nusar-riful-‘Aayaati-la-‘al-lahum yafqahuun. ﴿66﴾ Likulli naba-‘im-mustaqar-ruww-wa sawfa ta’-lamuun. ﴿68﴾

“Say: He has the power that He should send on you a chastisement from above you or from beneath your feet, or that He should throw you into confusion, (making you) of different parties; and make some of you taste the fighting of others. See how We repeat the revelations that they may understand… For every prophecy (Divine Message) is a term and you will come to know (about it).”

… and then he said:

Allah is asking the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to tell these people that Allah has the power to make a punishment fall upon them and can make that punishment also come from underneath them... Afterwards Allah says that for each prophecy (and Divine message) there is a time-limit and they shall not wait for long before knowing (and witnessing) it.

These are the verses of Chapter 6 (Al-Anam) which nowadays exactly apply to all religions of the world, and also to the Muslim World and particularly to the Ahmadi people in Mauritius and around the world. 

The worldwide peoples are playing deaf and blind and they reject the Khalifatullah of this era. They reject the Khalifatullah, the true representative and Chosen One of Allah. When they reject the Khalifatullah, then they are not recognising and accepting the signs which are coming from Allah. They do not ponder over the treatments which Allah shall mete out to those kinds of peoples in the aftermath of their reject (of the Elect of Allah). In the verses which I just recited (before you), Allah has mentioned this treatment and Allah is telling the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to say to these people that Allah has the power to send upon them punishments from above also and from underneath their feet also. And He has also the power to divide you in several groups, in several sects. And thus there crop up fights, wars among you and a group cause pain and grief to the other. Allah says that look how We explains clearly Our signs so that you may understand (ponder over it). 

Then Allah says: Your people have rejected you and the message (with which you came), despite that it is the truth. Therefore tell them that you are not a guardian over them. You are not responsible for them. Anytime that Allah’s decree (destiny) is implemented concerning them, then you are not responsible (for what happens to them). Tell them that neither you nor anybody else can make Me (Allah) responsible. But this people are like the past peoples; they have got the habit to attribute their evils to the other peoples (which follows them). Instead of accepting their responsibility, they are making efforts to make others hold (the burden of) this responsibility. 

Today is May 27; many Ahmadi people round the world shall celebrate Khilafat Day, especially the Ahmadi people in Mauritius. And yesterday, it was three years since I proclaimed myself under the instruction of Allah as the Khalifatullah. 

Why Khalifatullah? Because there has been a decline in the times of the fourth Khalifatul-Massih and this has continued in this time-period when there is another Khalifa (elected by man), the fifth Khalifatul-Massih. When there is such decline, then definitely Allah (Glory be to Him) raises His Chosen Caliph (the Khalifatullah). 

Like for the era of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), after Islam has known an extraordinary grandeur, and reached the peak (of success), look what happened afterwards. Nowadays also there are so-called Amirs and such Maulvis who are propagating chaos everywhere. Thus, each success (when reaching the peak of achievement) tastes decline afterwards. When the sun rises, it then sets. Thus, we not think that this is Qayamat (Judgement Day), the end of times. When saying Qayamat, it means the era we are living, whereby there is an even greater Qayamat when Ahmadiyya caliphate (elected by man) has ceased to know how to fulfil their duties like Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) have taught, and inevitably there shall be decline; thus the times of Qayamat, along with evil people. 

The Quran rightly says:

And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent. (6:113)

Therefore in this era of decline, Allah (Glory be to Him) has sent His Representative (the Khalifatullah) – and a Khalifatullah has the fear of Allah only and not that of other creatures, for it is Allah (Glory be to Him) alone who has raised him as His Caliph. 

When Allah (Glory be to Him) sends His Khalifatullah so that you may put your hand in his hand (through the oath of allegiance), this means that you shall be in security; you shall be protected alongside him. And bear in mind that despite (human) weaknesses, Allah shall help him. Allah (Glory be to Him) has promised the believers that He shall establish for them caliphs like He established caliphs before, even before the caliphate which was established after the era of Prophet Musa (upon him be peace) and Allah says that He shall establish this religion, that is, Islam on earth. And He shall change that situation of fright into security but it must be that they worship Me (Allah) alone and not anybody else. The above-mentioned verses clearly states that there shall be a time of fear and fright and peace shall disappear but Allah shall change this situation and re-establish peace. 

Each situation of fear when love for Allah disappears from all hearts, when ignorance spread everywhere, when people attach themselves only to this temporal world, when people has gone astray, far from Religion (Islam – Submission to one God), then the time becomes ripe – not just for this particular era but for all eras – when Allah shall always send His Spiritual Caliph; and upon their hands there shall be help (from Allah) and victory of Religion which shall be visible. They obtain help to maintain the veracity and duration of Religion; Truth is triumphant and falsehood is humiliated. In all times Religion is met with triumph while falsehood witness humiliation. In all times Religion is triumphant with those who have brought faith in it (the pure Religion – Islam – Submission to one God) and belief and acceptance of a Khalifatullah (Caliph of Allah), and thus these people witness peace and become secure, such peace and security which are of Divine source.  

In the capacity of Khalifatullah of this era, I do not want that the Muhammadan Ummah be divided in several groups and fight among them and it is very painful for me to witness the how the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) has fallen into such a degrading situation. I am a Khalifatullah, but beforehand, I am a Muslim and find myself in the Religion of Islam; whereby I believe in my master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), I read the same Holy Quran as you, and I believe in the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace). I have been born in Islam and Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Since my tender childhood, I have attached myself with Deen-i-Islam and as an Atfal in Jamaat Ahmadiyya, my time was devoted in the Mosque (Dar-us-Salaam) and in doing Dawa (tabligh) everywhere till the time Allah (Glory be to Him) gave me the blessed opportunity to go and establish the Jamaat Ahmadiyya in Reunion Island (in 1990), in Mayotte (in 1997) and in Seychelles (in 2000) and afterwards, only because I am a recipient of divine revelations, the late fourth Khalifatul-Massih based him only on the report of his so-called Amir, and expelled me from the Nizam-e-Jamaat. Allah already decreed that situation, so that He may raise me as His Caliph (Khalifatullah). 

In the capacity of Caliph of Allah, it is my wish and also prayer to Allah that we all come together as one entity, working in harmony for the love of Allah, if verily we have that love for Allah in our hearts and love for His prophet (peace be upon him) and love for the Promised Messiah (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – upon him be peace). Let us forget our divergences and difference of opinions so that peace blooms once again in Islam and also in Jamaat Ahmadiyya. 

Allah has created peace after fright, such a peace which is against the desires of His enemies, and He gave Deen (Religion) a great place. This was the case in the times of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Massih maoud (upon him be peace) and Insha-Allah, it shall be so for my present era also. Insha-Allah, after this storm, there shall be the calling of people to embrace (Divine) love and there shall be the manifestations of lights (from Allah), and therefore the people shall come to realise that all their objections were in vain. Your eyes shall open and you shall come to know that your arguments or objections brought you nothing but hatred for our brothers and sisters. When you shall realise this truth and remove all hatred from your hearts, it is then that the Divine light shall penetrate the heart of each one of you. Insha-Allah. 

The enemies themselves shall tremble (with fear) upon seeing this harmony, cooperation, unity in Islam, and also in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace). Si you all listen to my advices today in this Friday Sermon and obey and put into practice that which Allah has stated in the Holy Quran and the commands which He reveals to me for your own good, therefore, it is my prayer to Allah that Insha-Allah, there be no decline in Islam, in Ahmadiyyat till the Day of Judgement. 

Bear in mind that Allah (Glory be to Him) at the beginning of this century itself (that is, in 2001) gave me news of the calamities (which shall fall upon this world). There is also the fact that the Hadiths foretells of the coming of the Mahdi (that is, the Khalifatullah) in some 20 to 30 years after the 1400 years after Hijra (of the Holy prophet of Islam). 

People will gather around the Mahdi in 1400. (Risalat al-Khuruj al-Mahdi, p. 108)

In another Hadith, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Count two or three decades after the decades of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges...” (Asmal Masalik Lieyyam Mahdiyy Maliki Li Kull-id Dunya Biemrillah-il Malik, Qalda bin Zayd, p. 216)

If we analyse these Hadiths, all these points in the direction of my epoch, my coming. I was expelled from the Nizam-e-Jamaat Ahmadiyya on 01 January 2001 (that is, 1421 Hijri). We are now in 1432 Hijri and I made my proclamation as Amir’ul Momeneen on 19 January 2003 (that is, 1423 Hijri), Muhyi-ud-Din on 06 December 2003 (that is, 1423 Hijri), Khalifatullah on 26 May 2008 (that is, 1429 Hijri) and Messiah, Mujaddid and Prophet of Allah officially (though I already received these revelations beforehand until Allah made me stand up to proclaim it officially) in 2010 (that is, 1431 Hijri). 

Moreover, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) qualified the Mahdi (each of their era) as the Khalifatullah. Thus, my wish to share with you this analysis. The Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) proclaimed himself as the Mahdi without pointing out that he was the Khalifatullah of his time (perhaps I am wrong and he indeed proclaimed himself as Khalifatullah because I never read his books – only some extracts which was available for publication in the Ahmadiyya Magazine “The Message”). But according to what I know, he never proclaimed himself officially as Khalifatullah. Likewise in this epoch of mine, I present before you an extract of the Hadith in which the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“… When you shall see this (man), take the oath of allegiance from his hand even if you have to crawl on snow for he is the Khalifatullah, the Mahdi.” (Ibn Majah, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Hakim, Delami, Ruyani, & Nayeem bin Hammad) – I leave you to ponder over this Hadith!

Moreover, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) rightly said that in the times of the Khalifatullah there shall be many earthquakes (and other calamities). Thus, if we ponder over all these, today calamities of all sorts are wrecking this world, everywhere. Allah gave me revelations last Sunday (22 May 2011) pointing to more calamities which shall cause havoc everywhere, especially in America and in Europe. Thus, according to these prophecies (and others which I received over the years) there have been calamities in America and similarly in Europe also and in the Asian countries also. Take 2001-2011 (till now), count how many floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, unbearable hot climate, fire breakout, cyclones, tornadoes etc. there have been, how many lives have been lost in these ten years, how many countries, towns have been destroyed, how many countries have become poorer, how economic crisis has breakout, and people, all the more are thirsty for power, there being killing of innocent people… the list is too long. All these have happened, continue to happen and will continue to happen. Do not think that this shall end. No! Allah (Glory be to Him) continues to reveal to me what shall happen to America, Europe, Asia and even the islands, including Mauritius. Calamity over calamity. There shall be so many deaths as if the image of Qayamat will be present and there shall be rivers of blood; the animals also shall not be spared. And there shall be so much destruction on earth that has never been witnessed since the creation of man. And the majority of buildings will be destroyed, ruined completely and they shall become such deserted places as if people never inhabited them. And in addition there shall be more destruction in the sky and the earth till in the sight of all people endowed with knowledge, they shall realise that this affair is not an ordinary affair and they shall not find it in any book written by the hands of man. People will start thinking, what will happen now? And a lot of people will be saved and a lot also will be destroyed and that day is coming soon; nay, I see it as just behind the door. The world shall witness the scene of Qayamat. There shall be not only earthquakes, but also different frightening destructions, be it for the sky and earth because people have ceased to worship their Lord (Allah) and all hearts are directed towards the attractions of this temporal world. Had I not come, there would have been a postponement of these calamities, but with my coming, the punishment of Allah which was veiled has become apparent.

Allah knows best if I have retained correctly the revelations He vouchsafed me and I which I am presenting before you today. There are more to say about the islands, the Jamaat Ahmadiyya of Mauritius and the other countries. And if the fifth Khalifatul-Massih does not act with Taqwa and if the Muslims do not ponder over this message and do not change their hatred into love for the Ahmadis and the Sahih al Islam, then they must beware of the consequences that would entail.  

There shall also be great wars; such wars whereby all signs of life shall be effaced. That bit about the erasing of all signs of life can become manifest after an atomic war. 

Pakistan also shall not be spared for that which it has done against our Ahmadi brothers and sisters, and especially tomorrow the 28 May, it shall be one year since the bombing of the two mosques in Pakistan whereby innocents lost their lives. DESTRUCTION OF PAKISTAN IS COMING SOON, VERY SOON. Allah knows best when this shall happen, but we need to make a lot of duahs. 

Moreover, Allah vouchsafed me that same day (22 May 2011) the following revelation (in French): 

“It is a positive week which awaits you; you can receive good news from the mouth itself of your Lord. You shall have difficulty to believe therein, for it shall be so sudden. But you have to keep your feet on the ground so as not to make further enemies…” 

May Allah give our Muslim brothers and sisters, from all sects of Islam the Tawfiq to abandon all their differences and reunited themselves on the unity of Allah and join me and hand in hand, we march towards the glory and final victory of Islam. By this, I do not mean that this victory shall come at once. But this is verily a first step which was undertaken by the prophets (upon them be peace) and consolidated by our noble prophet (peace be upon him) and continued by Hazrat Massih Maoud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) and this humble servant of Allah who is amongst you today. This is only when all Muslims shall reunite under the banner of the unity of Allah and under the oath of allegiance taken from the hands of the Khalifatullah that Islam shall accede to victory. La-Ghaliba Illallah – All Victory belongs to Allah! – Insha-Allah, Ameen.  

Announcement: The Khalifatullah then announced the sad demise on Tuesday night (24 May 2011) of the younger brother of Dr. Thahir Sahib, Arif Edappakath Sahib (of Kerala, India) who took a great interest in listening to the verities of the Divine Manifestation, and he was foremost to accept the truthfulness of the Khalifatullah of this era, Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib. He was 65 years old and he left behind his widow, respected Zakiyya Beevi Sahiba. He was a retired Dy. Tahsildar/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate from the Kerala Government Service. May Allah give him a lofty place in Jannatul-Firdaus, forgive his weaknesses and open for him the avenues of the satisfaction of Allah. May Allah give to Dr. Thahir Sahib and the respected widow of Arif Sahib and their whole family patience in these bereaved times. Insha-Allah. Ameen

The Khalifatullah then led the Janaza Prayers in absentia (after Jummah prayers) of Arif Edappakath Sahib.