بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

28 January 2011 ~


(23 Safar 1432 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:


وَاللّهُ أَنزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يَسْمَعُونَ ﴿66﴾


“Allah sends down water from the sky with which He revives the earth after its death. Surely, in this there is a sign for people who listen.” (16:66)


Almighty Allah has spread the earth like a tapestry for us and He traced therein roads for our use. He makes water comes falls down from the heavens (rainfall) and with it He enables the growth of all sorts of plants which then reproduce. If one really is intelligent, then he will use this intelligence to conclude that there is no human power who can make rain fall from the sky, and unless Allah (our Creator), he (man) cannot make this water be available for us, for the multi-purposes we use it. But most importantly, when rain falls, this enables us to obtain vegetables, fruits and all sorts of plants, not only to nourish ourselves but also to give to the cattle at our disposition.


Mauritius is facing one of its dark hours for the moment. As it is rightly said, ‘Water is life’ and right now Mauritius is under the siege of one of the worst droughts it has ever faced for the past 40 years (despite the occasional rain fall we have been getting during the course of the week). All the reservoirs had dropped to less than 35% of water. The situation is so alarming that the Government has put severe restrictions to water use and has even warned to fine anyone who wastes it, for example, to wash cars. As of next week, it is threatened that only once water will be distributed through the pipes for use.


This brings us to a fundamental question: “Why?” Yet, the truly intelligent will know the answer for now is the time for prayer and yet all religions are praying in their own style, culture and belief to whomsoever they think to be God, especially the idol-worshippers. Therefore is the current drought in Mauritius a wake-up call to act? 


Such a state of affairs is not a shock for in my past Friday Sermons I had already elaborated on the fact that if people (be it Mauritians or the world as a whole) do not let go of the thread of association (of other divinities) with Almighty God, then their consequences shall be grievous. Sometimes, Allah gives such extent of rain which turns into floods and on the complete extreme, makes manifest droughts to such an extent people panic and seek refuge in prayer so that rain falls and reservoirs are filled up!


On Sunday 23 January 2011, I made the following dream: “I was praying Allah to make manifest rain and the prayer was so well received, that not only rain water which manifest itself but a real terrible cyclone which made the country panic, whereby the school children had to leave school early to come back home safe and sound.” – Thus, I understood to mean that even though rain water fall due to this humble self prayers, but Allah shall use it to make manifest His wrath as was in the case of the severe drought. As water was a routine occurrence to them, they did not ponder over it value and likewise, they did not realise the value of the existence of only one God and worshipping Him alone.


Hazrat Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:


“Whenever the wind blows violently, and the clouds thickens the Messenger of Allah’s (peace be upon him) face turned pale and worried.” Why? He was very frightened as his heart was filled with the fear of Allah. He was restless, agitated, so Hazrat Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) asked him:


“O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) why are you, so frightened and agitated?” The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) did not reply. He just recited this supplication:


“O Allah! I beg of Thee the Good of this wind and the good of its disposition and its advantage. And I ask refuge in Thee from its evil and from the evil of its disposition and the disadvantages that it can cause.” Ameen


Now, it is the wind which brings water, but not only water, it can bring about destruction in the form of severe cyclones, tempest, hurricanes, typhoons etc. Very often, people when expecting rain, receive a bad surprise in form of destruction. This was the case of the people of Prophet Hud (on him be peace) who rejoiced when they saw clouds forming in the sky. They were expecting rainfall, but it was the destruction of Allah which seized them. Therefore, like our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we must seek the good of everything and seek protection against its wrong and only prayer to Allah alone can achieve this purpose: protection against all sorts of calamities, all sorts of difficult situations and deprivation.


Now let see what we understand by drought. Drought means that over an extended period of time no great rainfall has occurred to revive the soil, plants and consequently, no enough water is available for domestic or even agricultural use. Actually droughts are classified into four types: (1) Meteorological, (2) Agricultural, (3) Hydrological and (4) Socioeconomic.

(1) Meteorological Drought is about the amount of dryness and the duration of the dry period. The Atmospheric conditions that result in deficiencies of precipitation change from area to area.


(2) Agricultural Drought mainly affects food production and farming. Both Agricultural drought and precipitation shortages bring soil water deficits, reduced ground water or reservoir levels, and so on. Deficient topsoil moisture at planting may stop germination, leading to low plant populations.


(3) Hydrological Drought is associated with the effects of periods of precipitation shortages on water supply. Water in hydrologic storage systems such as reservoirs and rivers are often used for multiple purposes such as flood control, irrigation, recreation, navigation, hydropower, etc. Competition for water in these storage systems escalates during drought and conflicts between water users increase significantly.


(4) Socioeconomic drought occurs when the demand for an economic good exceeds supply as a result of a weather-related shortfall in water supply. The supply of many economic goods, such as water, forage, food grains, fish, and hydroelectric power, depends on weather. Due to variability of climate, water supply is sufficient in some years but not satisfactory to meet human and environmental needs in other years. The demand for economic goods is increasing as a result of increasing population. Supply may also increase because of improved production efficiency and technology.


Despite the heavy rainfall since the beginning of January in some parts of the country, it must be pointed out that it was not enough to fill in the dried up multi-purpose reservoirs. On the contrary it created complications where it caused certain drains to be blocked, thus creating the level of water to rise in houses.


Very often rain water goes out to the sea without a proper means to canalise it to good use. Water is wasted because the government is not being bold enough to implement sure means to obtain water. The talks of these days pertain to the desalination of sea water, and though this is a costly initiative (around $2 to desalinate a metre cube of sea water), this can in the long-term be beneficial for the Mauritians in case other droughts come into effect, for the island is surrounded by sea water!


So today, people of all cultures in Mauritius are calling out to God to obtain rain like I said, all reservoirs are nearly empty, water is scarce, the harvest of vegetables being impossible and thus the prices of these goods increasing. Water: given to us freely by Allah and yet we neglect His remembrance. It is when there is scarcity of water that people call out to Him to hear their prayer. When in normal times He gives us water, we take it as a normal occurring and neglect to thank Him; we show ourselves ungrateful to Him, our Creator. Whenever we ask something of Allah, be it water of otherwise, (we people think that) Allah is forced to give us the requested thing, but when Allah tells us to worship Him alone and not to associate anything with Him, people do not obey Him, et whenever He tells them to do some things which are beneficial to themselves, they turn their backs to these Divine commandments. Whenever He sends His Messenger to warn or give glad tidings, people ridicule him and turn their backs to Allah and His prophet. Bear in mind that all powers are in the hands of Allah alone, not in the hands of man, or ministers and not even in the hands of the president of a country, or any spiritual chief and Allah (the Most High) has the power to send over us any calamity from the sky, and thus the earth becomes like a slippery surface, or the rain water can be lost in the depth of the earth and nobody can recuperate it. Harvests are ravaged when there much torrential rainfall and when there is no rain, no harvest is beneficial because all crops die due to lack of water. Allah shows us how life on earth resembles water which comes down from the heavens. Vegetation absorbs it and afterwards this vegetation becomes dry like straw and the wind carries it wherever it wants. One sees how Allah has the great power to do everything and controls everything. Thus worship Him alone, without putting anything or anybody else in His worship. Worship Allah alone, be it in times of prosperity and in bad times also. Obey His commandments, worship Him alone and stop spreading evils and sins on earth through your deeds. Indeed, locally (in Mauritius), in all corners of the streets there are gambling spots. Moreover, despite the fact that the prices of cigarette and alcoholic drinks have increased, people continue to indulge in their bad habits, and even more so, doubling their consumption capacity; be it for alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Moreover prostitution is widespread (like a normal/common commodity); young girls barely out of their teens (15 or 26 years old) are living shameless lives. As for the boys, they are readily imitating the girls and dressing up femininely (putting on earrings, putting piercings everywhere – on the belly etc., straightening their hairs on their heads like porcupines. In their early days, they have begun smoking (apply to the young girls also); the young people having no respect for elders and vice-versa.


Nowadays if a father does not have a cigarette to smoke, he will ask it from his son or vice-versa. Same thing for alcoholic drinks. More and more women and young girls are regular visitors of casinos, clubs, and television appearance to increase gambling chances for becoming millionaires. Many also are becoming drunkards, high school and college girls having no shame, indecently exposing their bodies – all this state of affairs being tolerated by parents. The Muslims states are even worse. The Muslim women and girls being shameless – their clothing being of unislamic nature. The fault is also because of the husbands and fathers who tolerate such indecency from the part of their wives and daughters. The notion of religion has disappeared from their lives; they have forgotten Allah and thus in turn Allah also forgets them. Moreover, the wrath of Allah hangs over them and Allah gives them a delay so that they may repent sincerely and turn to Him alone so that we all can be safeguarded from the Divine wrath. Change you live your life, change the way you live your life – what language will I have to speak so that you may understand my words; do not attach yourselves to this temporal world, do not seek the pleasure of this world, do not obey people whose hearts neglect the remembrance of Allah and who make their riches, properties, power and children become their idols.


Allah has appointed a time for them, and there is no doubt about this fact. Those who wrong themselves persist in their infidelity and Allah (Most High) has prepared a harsh punishment for them. Bear in mind that Allah’s chastisement must be beware of. (If you persist) Go seek the help of others (other divinities besides Allah), but bear in mind they do not have any power to relieve you from the burden of your misfortunes, and they cannot change them.


All that you have with you will have an end, but that which is with Allah is eternal.


As water is precious, it is our duty to safeguard it for it serves our purpose, for therein is life for humans on earth. Indeed water holds many benefits and by His infinite grace and mercy, Allah revealed to this humble self a text on the benefits of water detailing therein which maladies water cures. I shall detail it to you in this sermon.


1. Headache, blood pressure, anaemia, rheumatism, paralysis, overweight complications, heart palpitations and unconsciousness.


2. Cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis (T.B)


3. Meningitis, gastritis, dysentery, constipation piles, diabetes.


4. All kinds of eye problems.


5. Women’s irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea, uterus cancer.


6. Diseases pertaining to nose, ear and throat etc.


When waking up early morning and without mouthwash and brushing, drink four large glasses of water at a time. Do not eat anything for about 45 minutes. After drinking water, you may mouthwash and brush. After starting this experiment, drink water after 2 hours each time over breakfast, lunch and dinner. And do not eat anything before going to bed at night.


Sick people or people with delicate physical constitution are advised that if they cannot drink 4 glasses of water at a time, they should experiment initially with one or two glasses and gradually increasing to 4 glasses. Thereafter they should drink 4 glasses of water regularly. As a matter of fact, all people, sick and healthy should experiment this method. The sick, because they will get healthy and those who are healthy – if they experiment – will never get sick. Those who are suffering from rheumatism and gas/indigestion trouble should experiment with this method 3 times a day for the first week and then one time during a day.


Those who cannot drink 4 glasses of water at a time initially should start with one or two glasses, gradually increasing to four. Drinking 4 glasses of water would not have any side effects. Only initially, for about three days the urge to urinate will occur, two or three times soon after drinking water. However after a few days, the urine flow will be regularised. However, as we all know, water is one of the best gifts from nature of God, a source of good health. There is nothing wrong in experimenting the above method and see for yourself the result. Those who try this and get some benefits from it are requested to inform and convince others to try it.


Thus, water is not only an element of life in human being, but Allah made it so that it cures people also from their illnesses and health complications. Thus, water is not to be wasted come what may. People and the government as an entity should be conscious of this fact, and devised means and ways to save water and see other solutions which can be beneficial in the long-term for all Mauritians. This applies also to all countries also who have water scarcity. They are to keep up a united front for the survival of humankind, but let it be that in that unity, there is also the recognition of the almightiness of Allah, Pure, Holy without any partners. If all people do recognise this vital aspect of their Lord, then definitely the wrath of the Almighty shall be cooled but if not, Allah has the power to seize people with that which He was so generous to them beforehand, and that include inevitably, water which is source of survival for humans for without water, there is no life, no prospects, no vegetation. Nothing!


May Allah help all mankind to be conscious of the fact and save water and foremost, to turn to God Almighty (Allah) alone in worship and discard the visible and invisible idols from their hearts lest these idols cause their destruction – by leading them far away from Allah and thus attracting the wrath of Allah upon them. For the past week and beforehand, I have been supplicating Allah for rain, and by the grace of Allah, in the aftermath of my dream, rain has indeed fallen, but bear in mind O people to stay connected with the Lord – not only for short period of time – but for all times, for if not all efforts will be in vain!