بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

28 October 2011 ~

(01 Dhul-Hijjah 1432 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted the members (and all Muslims round the world) with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and he said:


Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:


مَّا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِرَجُلٍ مِّن قَلْبَيْنِ فِي جَوْفِهِ

Allah has not made for any man two hearts within him.” (33: 5)

Commenting on these words: The Incomparable Majesty who granted us the boon of existence has placed in us only one heart so that with it we love only God and that we give up everything else and so that we devote ourselves only to Him by refraining from dividing our heart. Knowing God is the ultimate goal of man, and the reason for creation.

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) tells us that God has revealed that had it not been for him (the Holy Prophet) – that is to say, taken as the archetype and model of the man who has reached full spiritual stature – He (Allah) would not have created the heavens.

In another inspired word – Hadith Qudsi, Allah Most High says:
“I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known, that's why I created the universe.”


God created man in His image, He breathed into him of His spirit, He has established him as His vicegerent on earth, He taught him the names of all things. When a man is freed from needs? When God shall deliver him from them; this does not take place through the efforts of man, but with the help and grace of God. First, He produces in him the desire to achieve this goal. Then He opens for him the door of repentance, Tawbah. Then he throws in mortification – Mujaahada – so that he continues to struggle, and for a long time to praise himself for his efforts, thinking that he is progressing and achieving something, but then he falls into despair and feels no joy. Then he knows that his work is not pure, but defiled. So he repents for the acts of devotion he believed to be his own, and finds that they had been made by the divine grace and help, and that he was guilty of Shirk by attributing them to his own efforts.


When this becomes clear to him, a feeling of joy enters his heart. Then God opened the door of certainty – Yaqeen – so that for a time he takes anything from anyone and accept the insolence with which it is produced, and the doubt on this subject is removed from his heart.

Then God opened the door of love –
Mahabba – and here too selfishness appears for a time, and he is exposed to blame – Malaama: meaning that, in his love for God, he fearlessly confronts all that can happen and does not care for criticism, but he still thinks, “I love” and finds no rest before realising that it is God Who loves him and keeps him in this state of love, and that this is the result of love and grace of God, not of his own efforts.

Then God opens for him the door of unity –
Tawhid – and enables to understand that any action depends on God Almighty. Then he sees that everything is Him, everything is done by Him, and everything is for Him, that He gave His own creatures that love to put them to the test, and that He in His Omnipotence, want that they stick to this false opinion, because omnipotence is His attribute, so that when they ponder over His attributes they know that He is the Lord. What he knew before by hearsay is now known intuitively, as he contemplates the works of God. So he fully recognises that he has no right to say “I” or “my”.


At this level, he contemplates his misery: desires abandon him and he becomes free and peaceful. He wants what God wants, his own wishes are gone; he is delivered from his needs and has earned the peace and happiness in both worlds...

First, action is necessary, and then knowledge, so that we can know that we know nothing and that we are nothing. This is not easy to know, it is something that cannot really be taught, or sewn with a needle or attached with a wire. It is a gift from God.

The vision of the heart is what counts, not the word of the language. We can never escape our self –
nafs – before killing it. Saying “There is no god but Allah” is not enough. Most of those who utter verbal profession of faith are polytheists in their heart, and polytheism is the only unforgivable sin.


The whole body is full of doubt and polytheism. We have to chase them away to be at peace. As long as we do not give up our “I” or “me” or “my” (self), we shall never believe in God. It is our “self” that keeps us away from God and make us say: “Such person has wronged me, such person has done me good,” focuses on the creature, and all this is polytheism.

Nothing depends on creatures, everything depends on the Creator. We need to know this and proclaim it, and, after having proclaimed it, we must stand firm. Standing firm –
istiqaama – means that when we said “one”, we should never say “two.” The Creator and the creature is “two” ... Being firm consists of this: when we say “God”, we no longer talk or have thought of created things, as if they did not exist ... Therefore let us love He who does not cease to be when we cease to be so that we never cease to be.

Let us be like oxidised mirror which has rust covering the surface, obscuring the clarity of our images and preventing them from imprinting. Normally, a mirror is likely to receive the images and reflect them as is it. Whoever therefore wants to repair it must fulfil two tasks: scrubbing and polishing, that is to say, removing rust that should not exist, have a mirror facing the true. Like the image and the mirror it would receive the stamp of the true to the point of identifying itself in a sense, although she remained separate in another...


This aptitude is forever in action among the angels, as it exists in pure water which naturally reflects image characteristically. But in humans, it exists in power, not in act. If he tries to fight against himself, he will reach the horizon of the angels. If, yielding to the carnal desires, he continues to provoke the causes that determine the accumulation of rust on the mirror of the soul, his ability to reflect the true shall be completely eclipsed.


Allah the Almighty said to me one day, “Purify yourself of the attributes of the self in order to contemplate your own pure essence, and look in your own heart all the sciences of the prophets, without books, without teachers, without masters. The book of the true servant of Allah is not composed of ink and letters; it is nothing but a heart white as snow. The scholar is not the one to borrow knowledge from any book and who becomes ignorant when he forgets what he has learned. The true scholar is one who receives, when he wants, his knowledge from his Lord, without study or teaching.”


Before ending this sermon, Moussa Taujoo and Ganee, along with Amine are taking themselves as great protectors and defenders of Khilafat and Ahmadiyya. They have rejected that which they cannot grip from Allah’s knowledge, despite not receiving its explanation. Likewise, there were people before them who acted arrogantly, and refused to accept the truth and see how Allah Almighty has led them to their destruction. You, Moussa, you are following only your imagination so as to acquire honour. You forgot the humiliation you got in 1988 when the late Caliph Tahir Sahib came; you listened so much to the talks of Hussein. Where is Hussein now and where are you? You were ousted (from your seat) – bear in mind that your satanic imagination which is making you apply boycott on us and not bidding us salaam cannot become greater (stronger) than the truth in any way. Allah knows what you are doing. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “Inna sharraddaa-waaabbi indallaahis summul-bukmullaziina laa yaqiiluun.” – In the eyes of Allah, the worst animals are those who make the deaf and dumb, who do not use their reasoning (intellect).


O Moussa, fear that calamity which shall befall you and those around you, who are doing harm, and bear in mind that Allah Almighty is very severe in inflicting punishment. Ponder over the fact that those who reject the signs of Allah, Allah Almighty shall let them go astray and ultimate destruction little by little, in such a way that they do not realise (what is happening to them).


Bear all that in mind; make your plans, make your plots but Allah’s plan is solid, and the one whom Allah leads astray, nobody can guide him, and Allah let these kind of people mingle in their extravagances and arrogance. Do you think that the plan of Allah Almighty shall not reach you and your Mullahs? Only people like you think that you can avoid Allah’s plan. For each wrongdoer, harm-doer there is an appointed time. When your appointed time shall come, you would not be able to postpone it for even one more hour. Allah Almighty makes the hearts of unbelievers incline in that direction and in taking pleasure in promoting boycott, and eating the flesh of your brothers with appetite, not bidding salaam, input hatred in the heart of people and restricting them from inviting us for functions. You are thirsty of temporal honour and power and you are following your own imagination and are continuing in inventing lies and falsehoods. Only Allah Almighty knows who are those who have gone astray (leaving His path behind) and it is He who knows best who are those who follow the right path.


Like I said so many times in the past, upon the Daras-Us-Salaam Mosque there is the exposition of the great slogan “Love for All, Hatred for None”, inputted only for the eyes of people. You must now remove it and put instead: “Hatred for All, Love for None”. That which you put at the top of the Mosque does not reflect at all in your deeds. In your hearts there is no “Love for All, Hatred for None”. This motto is mostly to deceive the eyes of people. Allah has shown us their true faces, and that in their heart there is not (what they proclaim), no “love for all, hatred for none”, but instead there is an illness in their hearts and Allah has made the filth in their hearts become filthier. 


I thus give a severe warning to this so-called Amir of the Ahmadiyya Association of Mauritius, Mr. Moussa Taujoo for all his evil deeds which he is doing whereby he is inciting the Ahmadis to become violent towards us. There is a lot of things which he is keeping secret, which he is keeping from the Ahmadis. Many times Allah made me understand that Moussa is a black slipper (2001-2002). He did not get enough of his dose of humiliation (he wants more!) After his degradation and humiliation from ICAC, he did not learn any lesson from these humiliations. Therefore, continue in mocking Allah, His Messenger and His signs; verily soon you shall know (bear the consequences). This time, you shall have no face to show in society for your degradation shall be extreme! You want to do competition with your predecessor in evildoings. Soon very soon you shall taste the consequences of your evil deeds. Your hatred and all things which you are hiding from the Ahmadis shall become manifest.


“Wa lakum amalu-kum ! Antum-barii-uuna mimmaaa ‘a-malu wa ana bariii-um-mimmaa tamaluun“For me are my deeds, and for you are your deeds. You have no concern with what I do, and I have no relation with what you do.


Reply to the comments made by Nasir Ahmad Sultani in the blog of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement:


Secondly there is someone in Lahore by the name of Nasir Ahmad Sultani who has proclaimed himself as Mujaddid and he is treating the Khalifatullah as someone who has gone astray and non-Islam/Muslim. Is it a surprise for you (Sultani) that Allah Almighty has sent down His revelations upon someone from among you, to warn you and the others like you? And at the same time Allah Almighty has sent me to give this good news to the sincere believers, that they shall have the upper hand upon you and those like you in the presence of their Lord.


You are labeling this humble self as false, that I am not a Muslim. Have you got the patent to judge the faith of others? Nabi Kareem (peace be upon him) himself did not possess the patent to judge the faith of others, so then who do you think you are? You are trying to extinguish the Light of Allah with your mouth, but let me tell you that Allah Almighty shall persist to perfect His Light, even if this is not to your liking (despite your recriminations). It is Allah alone who has sent His Caliph (Khalifatullah) with guidance and the religion of truth, to make it shine over all other religions and even over your Jamaat, even if it this does not please you at all.


(As it seems from your point of view) that surely Allah should have taken permission from you to raise this humble self as His Caliph (Khalifatullah). Messengers of Allah come because Allah wishes not to destroy (the populations of) towns for their sins before sending warnings (and Warners) to them (while they are still unaware). Allah Almighty says in the Quran – Surah Al-Anam (6: 124), this verse in this era applying also to you Nasir Ahmad Sultani:


“And thus We have placed within every city the greatest of its criminals to conspire therein. But they conspire not except against themselves, and they perceive (it) not.”


And it is people like you who say – when a sign comes from Allah amidst them – “We shall not believe therein for as soon as we do not receive a sign like the prophets received.” Allah knows best where He has placed His message. Very soon, Allah Almighty shall send on people like you something terrible which shall degrade and humiliate you and also a great punishment, because of the way you acted and talked about the Servant of Allah in this era. The one whom Allah wants to guide, He opens his heart to Islam, the one whom Allah wants to let him go astray (through his own fault), He hardened his chest and restricted, and you are a clear example of this.


O Nasir Ahmad Sultani! What proof do you have that you are a true, sincere and truthful Muslim and that we, we are false, not Muslims and that it is only you who is true Muslim? If you come from Allah, then take the name of Allah and proclaim you as such and try to make us become true, sincere and truthful Muslims! Put that well in your head that it is only with Pakistani people like yourself that you can talk like this. It is not you who guide people in the path of truth and it is not you who judge the faith of others. It is only Allah Almighty Who guides people towards Truth. Is the one whom Allah has guided to Truth who merits that you follow him, or the one who is deprived of guidance, without someone to guide him? What happens to you? Don’t you reflect?


Therefore I ask you (all the concerned parties) to go and re-read the Holy Quran and stop commanding people to believe in you, in that which you do and say which is unislamic. Allah has given man freewill. By the grace of Allah all my disciples have received solid proofs of this humble self’s veracity, because I have not come by my “self”, but I was raised by Allah and receive revelations from Him (Allah). It is Allah who has elevated me, and I have no right whatsoever to renounce in that which Allah has given me as revelations. Allah and His servant is one, facing this world and the enemies and ignorant people.


One who declares to know that which he does not know shall remain ignorant (not knowing) despite putting himself in the rank of the knowledgeable, because someone who knows must know that he does not know. Therefore any unjust leader is similar to a thief. Any scholar of religion (Deen) who does not put it into practice, him and a fox is alike. Anyone who submits to someone other than Allah, him and a dog is alike. How then can a community (Jamaat) which is filled with thieves, foxes and dogs prosper?


I end with this dua: Allahumma inni assalukal afwa wal aafiyatawal Mu’aafaatata daa-imata Fid-dunyaa wal Aakhirah.

O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and grace, as well as perpetual remission (of sins) in the present life and the hereafter.