بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim



02 August 2013 ~

(24 Ramadan 1434 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted all his followers (and all Muslims) round the world – mentioning the nearby islands, India, Kerala, Trinidad and Tobago etc. – with the Salutations of Peace, Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din (atba) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then said:


وَلاَ تُبَاشِرُوهُنَّ وَأَنتُمْ عَاكِفُونَ فِي الْمَسَاجِدِ تِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللّهِ فَلاَ تَقْرَبُوهَا كَذَلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللّهُ آيَاتِهِ

لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَّقُونَ ۝


... wa laa tubaashi-ruuhunna wa ‘an-tum ‘akifuuna fil-masaajid. Tilka huduudullahi falaa taq-rabuuhaa. Kazaalika linnaasi la’-allahum yatta-quun.


“... And do not have relations with them while you are in retreat in the mosques. These are the limits (set by) Allah, so do not approach them. Thus does Allah make clear His ordinances to the people that they may become righteous.” (2: 188)


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ ۝ إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ ۝وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ ۝لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ۝ تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ ۝سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ ۝


Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Rahiim; ‘Innaaa ‘anzalnaahu fii lay-latil-Qadr: Wa maaa ‘adraakamaa Laylatul-Qadr? Laylatul - Qadri khayrum-min ‘alfi shahr. Tanazzalul-malaaa ‘ikatu war-Ruuhu fiihaa bi-‘izni-Rabbihim-min kulli ‘amr: Salaamun Hiya hattaa matla-‘il-Fajr.


“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Surely We revealed it on the Night of Majesty; And what will make you understand what the Night of Majesty is? The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by the permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”  (97: 1-6).

I recited to you two parts of the Holy Quran, one found in Chapter 2 (Al-Baqara) and the other in Surah 97 (Al-Qadr). The first verse mentioned (Al-Baqara) speaks of
Itikaf and the second chapter of the Quran (Al-Qadr) talks about the Night of Destiny.

Itikaf means to make a spiritual retreat with the intention of worshiping Allah and remembering Him (Zikrullah). Believers observe it in the mosque.

Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (ra) reports that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) observed the
Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan. (Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat).

Hazrat Imam Hussain (ra) said that one who performs 10 days of
Itikaf during Ramadan, will obtain the rewards of two Hajj and two Umrah. (Baihaqi).


Most people observe the Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan because it is a Sunnah of our beloved Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and Mu’akiddah, that is to say, a practice that he never neglected.

The 20
th day of Ramadan, before sunset, the Muttakif must already be in the mosque with the intention of Itikaf. Generally people take the precaution and enter the mosque for Salat-ul-Asr and getting their “daera” (reserved corner for the Muttakif). For Itikaf also fasting is required. During the 20th Ramadan, the one who will be observing Itikaf must be in the mosque and stay there before Salat-ul-Asr and should make the intention (Niyyah) of Itikaf: Bismillahi Dakhaltu wa’alayhi tawakaltu wa nawaytu sunnatal Itikaf” and before entering the daera, he should read 2 Rakat of “Tahayyatul Masjid.”


During Itikaf the Muttakif must eat and drink less than usual to avoid going to the toilet often and to keep his light stomach. Thus, sleep will be less, so that he may be able to make even more Ibadat. Do not laugh and do not make jokes. Instead, if you make the intention to go into retreat and take the step forward to stay in the mosque during the last ten days of Ramadan, then you need to avoid talking about mundane things in the mosque.

Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Whoever speaks of worldly things in the mosque, he eats good deeds like animals eat grass.”

Laughing in the mosque brings darkness in the grave. So take all your precautions so that you return home with many blessings, not sins. When the news of the appearance of the new moon of Eid-ul-Fitr is received, the
Muttakif should not rush out of the mosque, as if the mosque was a prison and he was a prisoner. So, those of you who stay in the mosque for Itikaf, when coming out of the mosque at the end of the retreat, you must show sadness with tears in your eyes, to express the separation with this great blessed month which has left you. According to a hadith, the one who is happy when Ramadan comes and shows grief when it ends, becomes pure from sins much like a newborn.

Now I will give you some explanation on the Surah Al-Qadr – The Night of Destiny or Power. The Night of Destiny is this blessed night during which Allah the Almighty sent down our constitution, the His discerning Holy Book – The Holy Quran (which discriminates between good and evil). The word Al-Quran means “reading/read”, that is to say, a book that is read. The Quran came to cancel and replace all the old scriptures and messages (the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel etc.) and is one that will remain authentic and protected until the Last Day. Allah the Almighty revealed it to the chief and seal of all the prophets, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). Almighty Allah testifies to us in the Holy Quran, in Surah Al-Qadr (Chapter 97), specially revealed on the subject:
“Surely We revealed it on the Night of Majesty; And what will make you understand what the Night of Majesty is? The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by the permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”

In a Hadith, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) told (his companions) about the existence of such a man from among the people of Israel who used to spend his nights in the worship of Allah and his days in servitude to Allah. And a thousand months of his life was lived in this way. When the companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) heard this, they experienced sorrow thinking that they cannot match that person in terms of worship (of Allah) and good deeds. To give them hope and encourage them, Almighty Allah revealed the Surah Al-Qadr, highlighting that blessed night and specified that if the Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) worship Allah during this holy night their
Ibadat will be better than a thousand months of Ibadat. What a great gift of Allah’s goodness/bounty.

Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said at the approach of Ramadan,
“Truly ahead is a great month, a month in which there is a night better than a thousand months. He who does not take advantage of this blessed night, has lost all its benefits.” (Ibn Majah, Mishkat)

The Night of Qadr, the most superior and chief of nights can be understood, among others in two ways:

1. Qadr means destiny. As recited in the last
Kalima, we believe in destiny.

2. Qadr also means power. Like Allah repeatedly tells us in the Holy Quran: Wallahu ala kulli shayin Qadiir. (Allah has power over all things).


By these two meanings, one must understand that Allah manifests His power and sends commands for the entire year and also changes the destinies of people, such as sinners who truly repent can have their sins forgiven, thus witnessing a change in their fate ! The Ummah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has been so honoured by being awarded this great night not only because they (the Muslims) can receive more than a thousand months of worship in one night, but also no people of any other prophets obtained such a night. In His wisdom, Allah the Most High has not openly revealed to us that specific night but just said that this blessed night is “hidden” in the last 10 nights of the blessed month of Ramadan so that Muslims make efforts to search for it. In this way, they will make all the more efforts in worship during the last third of Ramadan.

According to a Hadith narrated by Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (ra), Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) made more
Ibadat in the last ten nights of Ramadan. According to several Hadiths, the night of power is one of the odd nights of the last third of this month, that is to say, the last ten days of Ramadan; so among the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th nights. Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (ra) reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: “Seek this night among the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan.” (Bukhari, Mishkat)

Many sages and scholars of Islam have said that this night was the 27
th night of the blessed Ramadan and this is why most people pay special attention to the 27th night of this great sacred month.

Let us see some points that demonstrate the grandeur of number 7 compared to other odd numbers such as 1, 3, 5 and 9. There are seven heavens and seven earths which Allah has created. In a week there are 7 days and 7 nights. We accomplish 7 Tawafs around the Holy Mosque, the
Ka’aba. We run seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa. There are seven companions among the “people of the cave” (Ashabe Kahf). Hazrat Yusuf (as) was jailed for seven years. Surah Al-Fatiha contains seven verses. The king of Egypt (in the times of Hazrat Yusuf (as)) dreamt of seven cows. 17 Rakat of Salat Farz is accomplished in a day. In each Salat, there are 7 Faraa’iz (obligatory conditions).


Furthermore, the term “Lailatul-Qadr” has 9 letters and the same term appears three times in Surah Al-Qadr, so three times nine, it gives us 27 etc.

Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (ra) asked the Holy Prophet (pbuh):
“O Messenger of Allah! What if I knew which night Lailatul-Qadr was, then what should I say in it?” And the Holy Prophet (pbuh) told her to read this supplication: Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu’anni. – O Allah You are the One Who forgives greatly, and loves to forgive, so forgive me. (Mishkat, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi).

We see the vastness of the values
​​represented by this sacred night. Let us spent it then a maximum in Ibadat (worship of Allah) because once that night is gone, no one is sure if he (or she) will witness the Lailatul-Qadr the following year.

Let us pray that Almighty Allah give us the
Tawfiq (opportunity) to be among His good servants and allow us to enjoy the maximum infinite blessings He has given us during this great month. Ameen, Summa Ameen.