بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Friday Sermon
Munir Ahmad Azim
(02 Safar 1435 Hijri)
(Summary of Friday Sermon)
After having greeted all his followers (and all Muslims) round the world – mentioning the nearby islands, India, Kerala, Trinidad and Tobago etc. – with the Salutations of Peace, Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din (atba) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then said:
Before coming on the main subject of his sermon, the Khalifatullah Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (atba) talked on:
(1) Demise of Mr. Nelson Mandela:
(a) The demise of the great politician and human rights fighter Nelson Mandela who died early this morning at the age of 95. Huzur (atba) talked a lot on his good works and the injustice which happened to him when he was imprisoned for 27 years, and the true forgiving nature he expressed when he was released from prison and fought for the rights of both white and black people to live life on an equal footing – the white people were considered as superior and used to enter buildings through the front door, while the black people did not have such rights and had to go through the back door. He became the first “black” president of South Africa and obtained a Nobel Prize for Peace.
Huzur (atba) talked also about the Mahatma Gandhi and likened him to Mandela who were both born leaders, knowing how to lead their people to get justice and to exhibit a good nature. Huzur (atba) also reminded the congregation about the prophecy mentioned in December 2012 where High personalities were to leave this world in the year 2013, and verily Nelson Mandela is a high and respected personality. Huzur (atba) extends on his behalf as well as the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam his and our sincere condolences to the bereaved family of late Mr. Nelson Mandela.
(b) Muslim Politicians who need to take example from such a high and humble and peace promoting personality whom Mr. Nelson Mandela represented. He stressed on the fact that despite that we Muslims have everything being perfected for us: a perfect book, a perfect prophet and model, yet Muslims are fighting against each other and they do not even hesitate to kill their brothers when they go to attend their Jummah prayer. Muslims are fighting each other, and Ahmadis (mainstream) in particular, despite the great motto: Love for All, Hatred for None, are not honouring those words.
Instead the actual Amir, along with the ex-Amir in Mauritius have ridiculed this motto. There is hatred and boycott instead of love and peace. They are boycotting the Ahmadis for their duty to attend religious ceremonies such as weddings etc. They are taking creature as more honourable and they think that it is a great feat that their fifth Khalifa has received felicitation and honour from the Queen of England. They should have instead feared Allah, for they are only satisfied in being honoured in the court of man instead of the court of Allah.
With the frauds which have happened in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya (mainstream), everything is being covered up/masked. They, especially the actual Amir is a mundane man attached to mundane favours instead of the spiritual ones. Can he say how many young Ahmadis have already received their spiritual formation like he mentioned in a Jalsa Salana? Shame on those people who prefer the world instead of the divine favours.
(2) 10 years since the revelation of the title of “Muhyi-ud-Din” and Bai’at (06 December 2003 – 06 December 2013):
The Khalifatullah (atba) talked about the historical event of how on a Saturday ten years ago while he was about to do his speech, divine revelations overcame him and on the spot Allah revealed him to make proclamation officially that he is the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era and gave him instructions to take bai’at of his disciples and that night, all as one, united came together, hands on each other’s shoulder to take the Bai’at on the hand of Allah (represented by the hand of the Muhyi-ud-Din at that moment).
He detailed how there was the first person to have got this blessing, the one who used to listen and copy the revelations from Allah received through Huzur (atba), be it in the morning prior going to work, while on his way to work and at night also for long hours. Another person said she received revelations that the proclamation was to take place at her home, but Allah knew best her heart and this did not materialise and instead it was that first person who got this blessing at his place, Les Guibies, Pailles. The proclamation was made on two days, 06-07 December 2003. On 07 December 2013, there was a special programme where each family in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen came for Mulaakat and Bai’at with the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era, with photo taking and other programmes. There was the Noor of Allah which manifested on that day.
Huzur explained as to how now, that first person who took bai’at has now become estranged along with those who tried to control a Messenger of Allah. Verily, Huzur explains, a Messenger of Allah received his instructions from Allah only, not men, but when men try to control a Messenger of Allah, then they go to their own lost. Now, they are suffering because of family-feelings – still family-feelings (instead of being connected and firm in the Divine Manifestation with the Messenger of Allah).
A Zalim also tried ten years back to harm the Messenger of Allah and the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen. Huzur (atba) describes him as the Judas of this era. All the plans and spying he did for the account of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya (mainstream), but really his time of punishment is coming soon. The divine punishment shall overcome him. When he left and tried to create chaos, his family members, the Jamaat Ahmadiyya officials including the ex-so-called Amir and the actual Amir of Mauritius used to attend to his needs, pamper him and take great care of him (because of the information which he used to give them), but now where all the pampering has gone? Where that Zalim is now, being abandoned (put in a corner) by those same people who used to attend to him because of the information he detained because he was the Secretary of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen. He is the grand-child of Hafiz Jamal Ahmad (who was among the first Ahmadi missionaries in Mauritius); he used to boast about this relation, yet Huzur explains, from among the progeny of Hafiz Jamal Ahmad, there manifested a Judas (a traitor/evil-doer) also. When he left the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen, he used to canvass people through phone and even in Jalsa Gah against the Elect of Allah.
It was then after all the blames he stocked on the humble person of Huzur (atba) that Allah elevated Hazrat Khalifatullah as the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era in December 2003.
(3) Man, the Most Superior and Gregarious animal.
Man by nature, belongs to the animal kingdom with which he shares some common character traits. However, he is distinguished from animals by an innumerable number of differences which ensure him superiority and make him unequalled (in the animal world).
The essential difference between man and the animal world, which makes the very principle of humanity and gives source to what we call civilization and culture, comes from his vision of the world and the trends with which he is equipped (with Allah’s help), including his thinking capacity as well as various other abilities.