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20th February 2009

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad was the son of Hazrat Massih Ma’oud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (on him be peace). In accordance with the prophecy of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), that when the Messiah will come, he will marry and have children; Allah blessed the Promised Messiah with the birth of sons and daughters who proved to be real pearls of Deen-i-Islam. 

In the aftermath of a retreat which the Promised Messiah made to Hoshiarpur in India, Allah revealed to His beloved Messiah that he will beget such a son who will have multiples of great qualities in him, and who will be also be a Musleh (Reformer). On the 20th February 1886, the Promised Messiah Ahmad (on him be peace) thus published a pamphlet, to disclose to the world about the divine revelations concerning the birth of an Illustrious Promised Son. 

In 1888, he published another pamphlet, originally known as “A discourse upon the death of Bashir”, which is later known as the “Green announcement” due to the colour of the 1st publication of the booklet or pamphlet. 

This book had been written to clear the doubts which the birth of Bashir the first – son of the Promised Messiah – and then his untimely death has brought in the hearts of people, and especially his enemies. 

To discard all doubts, he published this pamphlet to prove that the Promise of Allah is always true and come what may Allah will fulfil the prophecy about the birth of an exceptional child who will prove to be the Promised One, the Promised Reformer.

Hazrat Ahmad (on him be peace) explains:

The fifth prophecy was concerning the birth of my son Mahmud that he would be the next to be born and would be named Mahmud. This prophecy was published in the Green Announcement which was distributed in thousands and is still available. That son was born within the term of the prophecy and is in his ninth year. (Siraj Muneer p. 31 – 1897).

The birth of my elder son Mahmud was prophesied in the Announcement of July 10, 1888 and the Announcement of Dec. 1, 1888, which was printed on green paper. The Green Announcement also stated that the son about to be born would be named Mahmud. When this prophecy had been adequately published, then by the grace and mercy of Allah, Mahmud was born on Saturday Jan. 12, 1889 (Taryaq-ul-Qulub p. 42).

The revelation about the Promised Son and “Musleh” was:

“I confer upon thee a Sign of My mercy according to thy supplications. I have heard thy entreaties and have honoured thy prayers with My acceptance through My mercy and have blessed this thy journey. A sign of power, mercy, nearness to Me is bestowed on thee. A Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee and thou art granted the key of success and victory. Peace on thee, O victorious one. Thus does God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death and those who are buried in the graves may emerge therefrom and so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of God's word may become manifest unto the people and so that the truth may arrive with all its blessings and falsehood may depart with all its ills, and so that people may understand that I am the Lord of Power, I do whatever I will, and so that they may believe that I am with thee, and so that those who do not believe in God and deny and reject His religion and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad, the chosen one (on whom be peace) may be confronted with a clear sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest. 

Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on thee. Thou wilt receive a bright youth who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny. A handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. His name is Emmanuel and Bashir. He has been invested with a holy spirit and he will be free from all impurity. He is the light of Allah. Blessed is he who comes from heaven. He shall be accompanied by grace (Fazl) which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized with grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will heal many of their disorder through his Messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allah for Allah's mercy and honour have equipped him with the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent and understanding and will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. He will convert three into four (of this the meaning is not clear). It is Monday, a blessed Monday. Son, delight of heart, high ranking, noble; a manifestation of the First and the Last, a manifestation of the True and the High; as if Allah has descended from heaven. His advent will be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation of Divine Majesty. Behold! a light cometh, a light anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. We shall pour our spirit into him and he will be sheltered under the shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in stature and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the ends of the earth and peoples will be blessed through him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed.”

Allah has blessed his beloved Messiah with the birth of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad on the 12th January 1889, within the time period announced in the announcement of 20th February 1886. 

Many trials have befallen him, especially with the death of some of his children in infancy. And the enemies of Islam and the Divine Manifestation in that era did all their best to calumniate him, and tried to prove his words and the revelations he got as false, but in the end, it was definitely Allah and His Messiah and humble Messenger who were VICTORIOUS. 

The Promised Reformer Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad lived up till the age of 76. After the demise of his noble father, he became the second caliph of the Promised Messiah, and it was in 1944 in Delhi that Allah made him understand that he was the Promised Son who would be also the Promised Reformer whom the Promised Messiah had prophesized. The duration of his caliphate was 52 years. 

Hazrat Musleh Maoud Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) married seven wives (not more than four at a time) and begot more than 24 children (some of whom died in infancy). After his demise in 1965, it is his sons, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, and afterwards Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (May Allah have mercy on their souls) who became caliphs of the Promised Messiah.

It is my sincere prayer that all my brothers, sisters and children of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam have got an idea about the lives of such great Men of God as the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) and his noble son, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him).

Alhamdolillah, in the Jamaat’s Library there are the different books which both the Promised Messiah and his son had written during their lifetimes. You would get the necessary information to be well-aware about their works of a lifetime. May Allah be satisfied with our efforts to walk into the footsteps of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace). Ameen, Soumma Ameen.