December 2004:

(1) While resting on the sofa before dinner , he saw a black man with white beard and along robe ‘boubou’ and also a white Namaz cap . Then the man told him (in creole): “You are asking who am I? I am one of the 124,000 prophets who had come (on earth); but my name is not mentioned in the Holy Quran.”

(2) Before the Friday Sermon, while performing Sunnat prayer, the Muhyi-ud-Din saw a wonderful man wearing a turban and having rosy cheeks.
March 2005:

(1) In his flash in Study Circle :while he was sitting, he saw the words ; ‘France ,Germany, England ,and 	South Africa’.

April 2005:
(1) He saw on a piece of paper after zikr ; “The reformer and the reviver of religion ”.

(2)  At night while lying down doing zikr, he saw an angel was teaching him a verse of the Quran and then telling him : “You will leave very soon” .Then he saw a book ,beautiful just like the Quran illuminating and having a clock on it which was shining.

July 2005:

(1)  In the way to Bangalore, India:
i) Saw a man giving him a hand full of money .
ii) Heard the voice of our coach driver, Rubby , saying that he (The Muhyi-ud-Din) is the new Tipu sultan .
iii) Saw the Sadr Saheba Fazli Amena in a green garden.
v) Saw his 4 year-old son Abdul Mohaymine writing.


January 2005:

(1) Dreamt that he was driving from the south of his home (R-Hill) in his white car . He passed nearby ‘Garage Soopaya’ but apparently another person had taken the garage. He then saw four dogs; two dogs at ‘Labourdonnais street’ and two other dogs near ‘Hassamal shopping center’. Then there was another dog in the middle of those four dogs and which connected themselves to the one in the middle. 	(Enemies)

(2) He saw the ox for Sacrifice ,a dark brown ox with a spot on its forehead , at Mr. Zafrullah Domun’s place (at Les Guibies, Pailles) . Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din was wearing his turban and his coat . Then he heard 	a voice saying (in creole) : “Eid is Thursday, not Friday”.

(3) Dreamt that Sadr Saheba Fazli Amena, his wife Sayyida Nasira Azim, Miss khadtija Shamira, Miss 	Aliah Nasrine, Mrs. Zaiboon Oleemohammed , etc..., were carrying big trays full of cakes and delights and they were bringing those trays into a place; when the trays were emptied they went and replenish those trays with more and more cakes and other sweets and then came back to the same place.

(Now Mrs. Z. Oleemohammed has rejected her belief in the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era; whereas Miss K. Shamira, now married, also rejected her belief in the Muhyi-ud-Din of this Era).

	Miscellaneous Year:

(1) Dreamt that Jamal Taujoo (The first person to turn his back to the Divine Manifestation in the Year 2003 after having accepting it) wearing a dark blue shirt, sitting and is regretting what he had done but that now it was too late. His destruction has already come.

(J. Taujoo puts lots of accusations & blames on the Muhyi-ud-Din of this Era. He has done lots of evil things to harm the Muhyi-ud-Din.

J. Taujoo was the 1st General Secretary of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen. He received lots of signs from Allah, which clearly demonstrated the Veracity of the Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim as being a Man of God, a Khalifatullah & Allah’s Chosen One in this Era. Despite all that, after witnessing all these signs & favours, he rejected these signs and turned his back to Allah & His Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din).


Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam (Update)

 Dreams (24 February 2013)