Text Box: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Merciful




02 January 2009

(Summary of the Sermon on New Year)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace and “Naya Saal Mubarak”, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and afterwards he said:

To start with, let us enrich our knowledge concerning the month of Muharram.

The Islamic Calendar started as from the year which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) emigrated from Mecca to Medina and it includes twelve months, where Muharram is the first month. Thus the Islamic Calendar starts when we see the new moon of the month of Muharram. The first month, Muharram is a month of great virtue and reward. The word “Muharram” means “sacred” and it forms part of the four months which Allah has decreed as sacred in the Holy Quran.

Allah (twa) says:

“Four of them ( Zil-Qadah, Zil-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab) are sacred.” (Ch.9 V.36)

From out of the four sacred months, Muharram has been blessed with certain specific virtues:- 

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: 

“The best of fasts besides the month of Ramadhan is the fasting of Allah's month of Muharram.” (Muslim)
In another Hadeeth, Hazrat Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “The one that keeps a fast in the month of Muharram will receive the reward of thirty fasts for each fast (in this sacred month).”(Tabraani)

Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not obligatory, the one who fasts in these days out of his own will and choice is entitled to a great reward by Almighty Allah. The Hadith citied above signifies that the fasts of the month of Muharram are the most rewardable among the Nafl fasts i.e., the fasts one observes out of his own choice without being obligatory on him.

The Hadith does not mean that the reward promised for fasts of Muharram can only be attained by fasting for the whole month. On the contrary, each fast during this month has merit. Therefore, one should take advantage of this opportunity. 

But nowadays it is unfortunate that Muslims do not keep in mind the value of the Islamic year. They give preference to the Christian year. In a certain respect, we must follow these dates and months because of the country in which we are living, where we must respect the norm, but we must not completely forget our Islamic year which Allah has given us, as from the emigration of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) from Mecca to Medina, and which Allah mentions in His Holy Book, the Quran which He revealed to His beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). If we have a real love for Allah and His prophet and for His Holy Book (the Quran), then, we, Muslims must have taken seriously our Islamic Year, whereby the first of Muharram, we celebrate it in Worship of Allah, in Remembrance of Allah, in Recitation of the Holy Quran, and in Fasting voluntarily on this day. And we, Muslims do not have the right to celebrate New Year as other religions and cultures do. 

Look at the differences which there are between our Islamic year and the year which they celebrate on the 31 December, along with staying up late and on the 01 January with all their practices which have been condemnable by Allah and which are non-Islamic. It is unfortunate to see how Muslims as a body, and especially the great defenders of Nizam-e-Jamaat, are celebrating the Christian Year, and are giving it more importance than the Islamic Year which our Lord Himself has mentioned in the Holy Quran.

It is neither a sin nor an innovation if you are conveying the salutation of peace and wishing, Happy New Year, to your neighbours, friends or relatives and sharing the good words of Allah that He may keep them in good health, remove all their difficulties and to pray for them that they may succeed in all fields, especially in their work, education and without forgetting the field of spirituality.

Of course, everything should be within limits. We must not go against the law and teachings of Allah (swt) and the words and practice of our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

It’s very painful and heart trending to see Muslims and especially in the Ahmadiyya Movement (the so called defenders of Khilafat) celebrating New Year’s Eve that is, on the 31 December.

They all sit down together eating, drinking till midnight, cracking jokes and giving their children the bad habit of cracking “fire crackers” of all kinds.

Another group of families reserve Hotels and restaurants to spend the night of 31 December.

Another group goes to the seaside with different kind of stuffs, grilled chicken or lamb. And then, all relatives gather themselves together for fun and to spend the night of 31 December in eating, drinking and playing with fire crackers, cards or dominoes.

 Many of them do not read their daily obligatory prayers or read a Ruku or a verse of the Holy Quran, but instead, they are very busy in the preparation of the “New Year’s Eve” in foods, drinks, deserts, shopping, beautiful and expensive clothes, gifts for the whole family, fire crackers and fireworks.

Do all these “follies” come from Allah (swt)? Are these the teachings of Islam?

We know very well that these “follies” are called “extravaganza” and wastage of money and time. We should know the consequences of these practices in our life.

Those who practise wastage and extravagance are brothers of Satan (the rejected).

And here, when Allah is sending His revelations through His chosen One, all the Ahmadis are ridiculing, mocking at Him, thus making fun out of these revelations saying that they are satanic ones. Anaouzoubillah min Zaalik. 

Who is Satan? Someone who is constantly turning towards Allah upon whom He has blessed with divine grace (revelations) or someone who is practising deeds against the teachings of Allah and His prophet?

Allah (swt) Himself gives answers to these kinds of defenders of Islam, found in the Holy Quran in Surah Al Isra V. 27 – 28:

You shall give the due alms to the relatives; the needy, the poor, and the traveling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant. The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is unappreciative of his Lord. 

From the evening (sunset) of 31 December till midnight, then after midnight, that is, January till morning (Fajr time), can you guess how much money is wasted in fire crackers, alcoholic drinks in the whole world?

On the other hand there are many people who are facing great problems of poverty, many children are starving, without any shelter and clothes to wear. Many are dying because of lack of medicines and proper medical treatment. But those who are celebrating New Year Eve with great pomp, extravaganza, do they have the least feeling for these poor people?

Do they know the sufferings of others? Never! One day Allah will make them realise their mistakes and misdeeds.

Allah will shower His anger over them just to teach them a good lesson!

And then at that time they will realise about the favours which Allah bestowed upon them but which unfortunately they spent lavishly. They will complain about their problems to everybody.

We need not go abroad to see how much money is running down through the gallows during these two days to celebrate New Year Festival!

In Mauritius, workers are being graced with 13-14 month salary etc., that is, an extra gratification after one Year of hard work.

But unfortunately, all these benefits are being wasted in alcoholic drinks, fire crackers, hotels, on the beach, or even at home among the relatives who keep awake till quite late at night in eating, drinking, gossiping or gambling. Some are back biting other group of people. Surely Allah does not like these kinds of people as (ghibat) is hateful and a most heinous sin in His sight.

Others are over caring their children in giving them money, expensive gifts and fire crackers, fireworks, rockets etc.

In few seconds, see how much money is burning into ashes!! O ye people, you are not realizing the after effect of these acts.

Playing with fire crackers, fireworks and so on is against the Shariah. How can we characterize this condemnation of cracking firecrackers and other follies? I am addressing to these defenders of Khilafat (the Ahmadis), and the so-called defenders of Islam (non-Ahmadis). The members of the Ahmadiyya Movement have been celebrating the Centenary of Khilafat in the year 2008. I am asking you: Have you been cracking fire-crackers, fireworks, and rockets taking from the 27 May 2008 till the 31 December 2008? From my point of view, I see that your love for Christmas and New Year is greater than your love for your Khalifa. You are bluffing then?! You are saying that you are the true defenders of Khilafat which has been lasted for 100 years!! Moreover, nowadays you are turning yourselves more to the Khalifa and to his representative in Mauritius, and listening to him.

How can it be that you are not playing with big, red fire-crackers, fireworks, rockets or bombs till late night for the Khilafat Centenary? Thus for Christmas and New Year, you are willing to spend lots of money on these preposterous things. This shows that you love for Christmas and New Year is greater than Khilafat…

Not to be too long on this question, I should like to go back to my question set at the beginning of my sermon.

Why cracking fire-crackers is condemnable in Islam?

First of all, these “fireworks” are waste of money which we receive through licit means, favours of Allah (swt). And when we read the Holy Quran, we can realise how Allah (swt) forbids us in practising misdeeds which will lead us to our own destruction, be it physically, morally and spiritually. I give you an example like gambling, alcoholic drinks, wasting lavishly our money in buying luxurious and expensive articles, wastage of food and clothes. Allah qualified these types of people as the brothers of Satan, the rejected.

Secondly, when you are spending the whole night of 31 December in participating in fireworks..., this means that you are adopting anti-Islamic principles.

You are joining hands with the Christians and those of the anti-Islamic faith. By the way, Allah teaches us from the Holy Quran how to fight against the principles of idolatrous people and the wrongdoers.

Participating in New Year’s Eve on the 31 December 2008, playing with fire crackers and so on is not for the true Mouslemeen.

Why? Because a true Mouslemeen is someone who leads his life according to the teachings and commandments of Allah Ta’ala.

Such follies are against Allah’s commandments found in the Holy Quran and moreover our young generations will believe that it is an Islamic culture as they have seen their elders or ancestors practising these principles. So what have you taught your child? An innovation in Islam! When someone breaks a commandment of Allah, he is no more a true Mouslemeen. Those who participate in “New year’s Eve” and fireworks can no more say that they are true Mouslemeen; instead, they are allied to Satan. Gradually they are distancing themselves from Allah Ta’ala.

Thirdly, without realizing the consequences of playing with fire-crackers, someone is constantly disturbing his neighbours; you ignore completely in which situation he is finding himself in, whether he is ill, thus troubling his sleep. Or he is suffering from heart problem or any kind of health problem. Someone who troubles his neighbour becomes a ‘Zalim’. A Zalim (wrongdoer) exposes himself to Allah’s wrath. Does there exist another miserable life other than living with Allah’s wrath? According to a Hadith, Rassouloullah (pbuh) stated that a true Mouslemeen is someone who does not embarrass his neighbours and does not cause any harm of any sort to others.

So while practising the customs of other religions, in participating in New Year’s Eve, fire-crackers and so on the Muslim is disqualifying himself from being a true Mouslemeen because he is disturbing his brothers and sisters.

So there is no benefit in spending a whole night in celebrating New Year’s Eve and in fire-crackers; quite on the whole you are ruining yourself, destroying your health, annoying your neighbours, a nuisance to the environment, wasting your money after one year sacrifice.

Who knows? With the money you received as a bonus, a gratification of your sweat, you are able to extinguish that fire of your unjustified desires, or you can relieve someone from his pain in buying some medicines, food, clothes or books for their children. These poor people need this money more than you because if ever you were in real need you wouldn’t have spent it in fire-crackers, alcoholic drinks or luxurious articles of no high importance. By this very little action, you would have given smiles over the faces of poor and needy people, or even your family. The highest benefit that you could have extracted from this small gesture is that you have reserved your place near Allah’s throne in Aakhirat (the Hereafter). These New Year’s follies are rather ephemeral and false. They are satanic inspirations which lead man to his destruction. Satan leads man far away from the right path, making him enjoy life in this world only to his maximum. But man, does not realise that he is short-lived, he is gratifying Satan to victory over the teachings of Islam, commandments of Allah (swt). He cannot distinguish between the good and the bad; he is wasting his money, time, and energy. He does not realise that on the Day of Resurrection he has to answer for all his deeds.

Finally you are not considering the effect of fire-crackers over your children and your elders.

I have given only a brief account of New Year’s Eve and the effect of fire-crackers in this sermon, so as to make all my brothers, sisters and children of all faiths, especially the Muslims who are very lucky to follow the Holy Quran and the Chief of all the prophets - Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and for the Ahmadi, who accept also the Promised Messiah, to ponder over this drastic situation which we are all facing in this era – Moreover innumerable. Inconveniences have traced their way in our society where spirituality, morality have been shaken and destroyed to naught. The economy and social life of our country is going down and down. So, pay heed to our future generation and future life. Let us take our responsibility which Allah (swt) has placed on our shoulders with great care and in fear of Him. We must not exceed all limits imposed by Allah (swt); otherwise we will have to bear the harsh consequences on the Day of Resurrection.

Today I make an appeal to all of you, that the year 2009 will be a hard year economically, facing with the alimentary crisis, unemployment, and thus, try to spend your money in a good way without exceeding the limits imposed by Allah (swt).

Spend your money when necessary; do not make follies and extravagance, absurdity or exorbitance in anything we receive as a favour from Allah. Year 2009, price will go up. Life will not be that easy. These greedy irresponsible, enjoyers of this temporal life will drag the whole nation into mud so as to increase their wealth for their future generation. As for you, they have made you to tie the belt and they will deliberately send this blame upon alimentary crisis that it is the fault of the nation for wastage or anything they can imagine or they can easily throw this blame over the ‘world alimentary crisis’ whereas they have already filled their pockets with YOUR money for their future generations. Moreover, corruption, fraud will spread in all sectors and ministries.

So my dear brothers and sisters, to get rid of them, let us draw ourselves nearer and nearer to our Lord. Do not let ourselves fall into their traps. Let us practise deeds which please Allah first, then people. Let us put our teachings of the Holy Quran forward and let us submit ourselves totally to Allah’s wish, and to the prophetic teachings which can guarantee success and happiness of true Mouslemeen, in this temporal world as well as in the afterlife. So spend your money according to Allah’s wish and way and spend a part of it in the way of Allah. Spend your time and energy in the right place. Do not associate yourselves with people who are against Allah’s wish, those who are cheering in the New Year’s Eve and fireworks, or drowsing themselves in alcoholic drinks. They believe they are ending this year and welcoming the New Year with fireworks and so on.

At that particular moment, you, as a good and true Muslim, you should take all your family members to perform nafil prayers, duahs, and Tahajjud Prayers – you should prostrate before Allah with a heavy heart and eyes full of tears, and you pray so that Allah may keep you and your family always in good health and that He may give you all a long life so as to serve His cause, His Deen; and that Allah may remove all misfortunes, difficulties, problems, obstacles which may come in our way in this New Year which is starting. Fill your heart also with only the Tawheed (unicity of Allah) and remove all that which is not God from your heart, and enable yourselves to derive peace, joy, prosperity in all aspects and especially in the spiritual field. Ameen.

May Allah accept all our duahs and prayers. Insha’Allah.

While ending this Sermon, I remind all my brothers, sisters and children that on the 01 January 2001, a so-called Amir of Ahmadiyya Association and his group made a plot against this humble one, a divine recipient, to be thrown out of the Nizam-e-Jamaat. He tried by hooks and crooks to convince the late fourth Caliph that these revelations come from Satan. The latter believed in his sayings thus participating in his lies. He treated these divine revelations as “so-called revelations” and treated this humble one as a trouble-maker.

Do not think that this humble one had celebrated New Year’s Eve or played with fire-crackers, fireworks… that he was thrown out of the Ahmadiyya Association – NO!!!!!!!! This was not so - Just because he received revelations from his Rab – Just because he is a DIVINE RECIPIENT (They have not hesitated to throw this humble one of the Nizam-e-Jamaat).

But, on the other hand, for those who are playing with fireworks, merrying for Christmas, those who are setting up Christmas trees in their homes, who are marrying on New Year – Are these people still being called Ahmadis?!!! – For them, according to the 4th Caliph and the so-called Amir, they can do whatever they want which is against the teachings of Islam and those of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), just as long as they not believe in the Divine Revelations which Munir Azim is receiving! If they believe in these revelations which he is receiving, then they would be expelled automatically from the Nizam-e-Jamaat. These people are then forced by the administrators of the Jamaat to ask “papi” for forgiveness; that he must absolutely confess his sins before “papi”, as if “papi” is pope! So this where the Ahmadiyya Movement has reached! This is why Allah has changed the trajectory of His Divine Light to send it in a country such as Mauritius, which forms part of the African continent. It is not for nothing that the blood of Hazrat Bilal (May Allah be pleased with him) has been shed on hot sands, but nevertheless, he had not at any time renounce in his faith in Allah and His Prophet (pbuh). Although he has suffered severe persecutions to make him renounce his faith, but instead, his faith had become more solid than ever. When he used to get persecuted, he used to say: “Ahad, Ahad, Ahad…”

O brothers, sisters and children who are here today and all of you who are listening to me in live; eight years have gone by since I underwent a very difficult situation which you are unaware of, and I will give you a brief on what has transpired at the end of December 2000 and on the 1st January 2001, where there has been committees over committees, meetings in all Mosques, whereby there have been propaganda to humiliate a person who says that Allah is giving him revelations. Insha-Allah, I will come more in details on this subject, to explain to you because you do not know how these situations came to be, and how hatred and jealousy had penetrated in the hearts of hypocrites whereby they have humiliated the Recipient of Revelations in all their functions and programmes, because dears ones, this was farz (obligatory) upon them to humiliate me!

O you so-called Amir and all those who has a hand in all plots which you have devised against this humble one, don’t worry!!!

Allah (swt) is never in a hurry. This 01 January 2009, it is already eight years since my expulsion from the Nizam-e-Jamaat (Ahmadiyya Association). Don’t worry “DIAMOND WILL CUT DIAMOND”!!!

For your centenary Jalsa Salana all of you have showed your hatred in parables, and especially you have expressed yourself like a politician, along with the reinforcement body which has come from London. You are practicing back biting and eating the flesh of people while they are still alive! Why have you not come forward for a true face-to-face encounter as a true defender of Khilafat? Thus, by this, people would have known where truth is and where the King of falsehood is?

I tell you: “Wait, I am also waiting along with you. Allah will do His work.” Insha-Allah

I end with this prayer: 

Rabbana laa tajalnaa fitnatal-lil-qawmiz Zaalimiin; wa najjinaa bi Rahmatika minal qawmil Kaafirrin.

Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who practise oppression; And deliver us by Thy Mercy from those who reject (Thee). Ameen