Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim

13 November 2009

(Summary of Friday Sermon)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he read the following verses of the Holy Quran:

Inna balawnaahum kamaa balawnaa ‘As-haabal-Jannah, ‘iz ‘aqsamuu layas- rimunnahaa musbihin, Wa laa yastas- nuun. Fataafa ‘alayhaa taaa-‘ifum-mir-Rabbika wa hum naaa-‘imuun. (Surah 68 Verses 18-20)

Surely We will try them as We tried the owners of the garden, when they swore that they would certainly cut off the produce in the morning, And were not willing to set aside a portion (for the poor). Then there encompassed it a visitation from your Lord while they were sleeping.

Through this Sermon we will come to know how greed destroys gratefulness towards Allah and leads also to arrogance.

Amidst a beautiful garden was an old man who came to and fro and who pondered always on the power of Allah Who is the One who have provided him with this garden and riches, the One who has given him paradise in this world itself and who has reserved goodness for him and others like him in the next world also.

He used to thank Allah each time that a cool breeze came and brought with it the good smell of fruits. He never neglected to be grateful towards Allah and he showed his love to his Creator by being kind and loving to the poor. He used to give a share from the harvest of his garden to the poor.

The old man used to give advices his sons and told them about the secret of their riches getting blessings. Very often he used to reunite them under the shade of a tree and sat down and told them: “O my sons! You must know what is the secret which will enable you to safeguard the riches which Allah has given us; it is that we must be thankful to Allah and address Him as thus: “Allah is Great, all power is within Him.”

After he went away, his three sons remained puzzled with the behaviour of their father. They thought that what their father had told them was stupid; they thought that it was not right of their father to distribute a part of their riches (the products of their gardens) to the poor. They believed that by doing so, their father will ruin himself and all their riches will be depleted. They never understood the poor and their connection with getting a part from the harvest of their family’s gardens.

After some time the old man died. He had done his duty as a grateful servant of Allah and that which Allah has created him for. He gave in heritage his gardens to his children. These gardens were the most beautiful and productive ones in their area. They were known as the gardens of the man who loved the poor.

His inheritors, after the death of their father did not respect his wishes – the secret which he had told them about how to keep their gardens fruitful. They became greedy and tend to the gardens (in their own way).

They consulted each other and collectively decided to forbid the poor from getting a percentage of their garden’s harvest, and they even forbid these poor people from assisting to the harvest of the gardens. With the death of their father, they felt that they were free to do what they wished, and thus were free from the engagement their father had towards these poor people.

They made a plan at home that they will go very early in the morning to harvest. They promised that they will give nothing from it to the poor. As they approached their gardens, their hearts were beating fast for they feared that the poor people will see them.

When they reached their gardens, they could not believe what they saw. They found their gardens completely destroyed. They were shock and said: “No, these cannot be our gardens. We must have taken a wrong road. That must be it.” They said these words within themselves. They were absolutely speechless. “What! How can these burnt gardens which a fire has completely destroyed be ours? These gardens cannot be ours!” But after sometimes they realised that these gardens were indeed theirs. “Perhaps (it is ours)! But no, it is really ours! A calamity has struck us! A calamity has struck us!”

When they came to their sense, they said:

“We fell into the trap of greed and hatred. These made us forget the testament of our father who was so generous. We feared losing a part of our harvest, but we forgot that what we usually obtained were thanks to him (and his good deeds and gratefulness towards Allah)! Through these gardens Allah favoured our father with lots of blessings. These gardens were the best. Today we have neglected that which our father had advised us. We forgot his testament which words will never end.”

One of their brothers who were the more reasonable among them said: “I advised you since long not to let greed grip your heart and to turn towards the One (Allah) who has given you riches. But each time, you dis not listened to me and were against the wishes of our father – May Allah receive his soul in peace – This is thus the result of what you have done. We wanted to deprive these poor people from their rights, while we enjoyed a great heritage. Thus, Allah has deprived us from His riches for we deserve it (this treatment). We have become transgressors, and have gone beyond all limits. We have been rewarded according to our deeds. We are to be blamed. If Allah wills, He will accept our repentance, for He is Ever Merciful.” Through this, the three brothers learnt a hard lesson, and recognised their “crime”.

Allah has said in the Quran about this event:

“Surely We will try them as We tried the owners of the garden, when they swore that they would certainly cut off the produce in the morning, And were not willing to set aside a portion (for the poor). Then there encompassed it a visitation from your Lord while they were sleeping. So it became as black, barren land. And they called out to each other in the morning, saying: Go early to your tilth if you would cut (the produce). So they went, while they consulted together secretly, saying: No poor man shall enter it today upon you. And in the morning they went, having the power to prevent. But when they saw it, they said: Most surely we have gone astray; nay! We are made to suffer privation. The best of them said: Did I not say to you, why do you not glorify (Allah)? They said: Glory be to our Lord, surely we were unjust.”

“Then some of them advanced against others, blaming each other. They said: “O woe to us! Surely we were inordinate: Maybe, our Lord will give us instead one better than it; surely to our Lord do we make our humble petition.” Such is the chastisement, and certainly the chastisement of the hereafter is greater, did they but know! (Chapter 68 Verses 18-34)

In this story there are signs and lessons:

First, charity contributes to protect one’s properties and to make them fructify. 

Secondly, gratefulness towards Allah contributes to increase one’s riches. (If you thank Me (Allah), I will give you more). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said: “If you say: “Thank You God of all universe” you are thanking Allah. He will give you more than that.”

Allah is Great, all power are within Him; Allaho Akbar La Hawla Wala Kuwata Illaa Billah.

The Muslim who pronounces this praise of Allah will find his riches protected, his health restored and his children safeguarded. He will if Allah wills be guided on the right path.

Greediness leads to los of riches, while charity and spending in the path of Allah increases one’s riches.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said: “On the day when there will be no humans, two angels will come; one of them will say: “O Allah reward the one who has spend (in Your path).” The other one will say: “O Allah, deprive the one who was avaricious.”

Man must behave himself well towards the poor. Like Allah says: “Become helpful like Allah has been with you.” Allah punishes more quickly those who have bad intentions, but He has also the power to forgive.

Disobedience conducts towards loss of riches. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said: “Do not disobey. The one who commits a sin will be deprived of a good which was reserved for him: A calamity has struck them while they were sleeping.”

Allah says: “There is therein a right for the poor and Muslims… Spend from that which Allah has given you in heritage.”

May Allah help us not to fall in the category of misers, greedy of the goods of this world and those who are arrogant in their approach to Allah and the poor. We Muslims must follow the perfect example of our beloved prophet and guide “A Mercy for this World” and spend in charity that which Allah has given us for then Allah will be pleased with us and put blessings in our riches and bless you in this world and in the next. Insha-Allah. Ameen.