Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim

16 October 2009

(Summary of Friday Sermon)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he read the following verse of the Holy Quran:

“Yusabbi-tullaa-hullaziina aamanuu bil-Qawlis-saabiti fil hayaatiddunyaa wa fil Aakhirah.”

Allah strengthens those who believe with the proven word, in this life and in the Hereafter. (Chapter 14 Verse 28)

The above-mentioned verse applies to those who have firm faith in Allah and His commandments and also do their utmost to do good deeds and establish justice. Allah Himself becomes their support in this life and the next.

Firmness and sincerity in the religion of Allah is a basic condition for all sincere Muslims in quest of truth, salvation and peace both in this world and the next.

Nowadays, the actual situation in our society in which we are living is extremely deplorable; everywhere there are attractions exposed, doubts rampant in the mind of people which bring about confusion which then lead them towards a wrong path, furthering them into sin and attachment to the temptations of this temporal world.

Thus, a believer wanting to remain steadfast in his faith, he must do everything in his capacity to strengthen his faith and by doing so, gaining the love of Allah in return. Thus, concerning this matter, the words uttered for this good cause, must be reflected in the heart also.

Both, verbal words (willpower) and the implementation of these words must go together. What our heart feels must also be reflected on the tongue - a two-way traffic. There must never be a clash between both (heart and words) for if there is one, the heart will be filled with remorse and vice-versa. Concerning this matter, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said that the heart changes more than water boiling in a marmite; it brings to the surface bubbles of various forms.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave another example about the heart, whereby it has its good and bad moments. It depends upon how the heart takes a certain situation in your everyday life – sometimes you are in good form and other times you find yourselves being upset with something (you are both morally and physical down).

In the same Hadith the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the heart resembles the feather of a hen on a tree, which with the gust of the wind, it falls down. (Reported on the authority of Ahmad No. 408)

Thus the lesson behind this Hadith is that we must remain ever firm (in our faith), even though we may come to face strong winds of trials, gossips, blames, doubts which people may have about you, where these doubt may bring about total confusion in their minds. Therefore, all believers must take these problems seriously and pay a lot of attention to these (to avoid stumbling in these abysses). 

We Muslims, we must feel happy that through the grace and mercy of Allah the Almighty, He sent down His book, filled with light as a guidance in our life, and as a resolver of our problems. The Holy Quran tackles each and every problem which a believer may find himself facing, and Allah sent us the greatest prophet of this entire universe, who is a perfect model for all humanity and particularly Muslims. Thus Allah the Almighty has established several means so that we may stay firm in Islam.

I would very much like to advice our children of the Jamaat (the young boys and girls) and also each and every member to remain always firm in the path of Allah. I will hereby cite nine means by which we will be able to achieve this aim, If Allah wills.

(1) We must never miss our prayers and if possible maximize additional prayers to please Allah. 

Prayer (Salaat) prevents people from doing degrading deeds. Prayer must be done with great concentration. All of you, especially the younger ones of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Insha-Allah must develop the habit to devote themselves completely to Allah in their prayers, and make it a must that their devotion to Allah is continuous, to such a point that each and every moment of their life becomes a worship (of Allah). we will indeed harvest the best of fruits if only we make the necessary efforts to plant the seeds of spirituality in our own body and soul.

(2) We must remain always attached to the Holy Quran. 

The Holy Quran is a primordial means to remain always firm in Islam. It is a firm rope and a light-giving book from Allah which illumines everywhere. Someone who reads the Holy Quran every day, Allah the Almighty will protect him. Someone who follows the prescriptions of Allah found in the Holy Quran, Allah will save him from Hellfire, and someone who advices other people to read and follow the Holy Quran , Allah will guide him in the right path.

The reason why the Holy Quran has been revealed in several phases and this had been established by Allah Himself, and Allah helps His prophet to stay firm in faith (have a solid faith in Him). Allah has said:

“Wa qaalallaziina kafaruu law laa nuzzila alayhil Quraanu jumlatanw-waahidah ? Kazaalika linusabbita bihii fu-‘aadaka wa rattalnaahu tartii-laa.” (Chapter 25 Verse 33)

Those who disbelieved said, “Why did not the Quran come through him all at once?” We have released it to you gradually, in order to fix it in your memory. We have recited it in a specific sequence.

For the one who want to remain firm in the path of Allah, he must in permanence connect his life with the Holy Quran. This aim will be achieve when he will read the Holy Quran every day, he will read its verses, memorise its chapters in its entirety and ponder over its significance, and thus he takes it as the starting point of his life and seek refuge in Allah against the temptations of Satan.
(3) Persevere in doing good deeds. 

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to persevere a lot and regularly in doing good deeds. It has been reported in a Hadith (Tirmidhi No.273) where he indicated that if someone persevere to do twelve two-cycles of additional prayers like he used to accomplish regularly, he will be admitted in paradise and this Hadith has also been reported by Nassai No.388.

(4) Study the life of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his predecessors. 

“Wa kullam-naqussu alay-ka min ambaaa-ir-rasuli maa nusabbitu bihii fu-‘aadak: wa jaaa-aka fiihaa-zihil-haqqu wa maw-izatuwwa zikraa lil mu-miniin.” (Chapter 11 Verse 121)

We narrate to you enough history of the messengers to strengthen your heart. The truth has come to you herein, as well as enlightenments and reminders for the believers.

This verse has been revealed with an important aim to reinforce the heart of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and in the same go the hearts of the believers. That is why Allah has given us instructions, that we study the also the lives of the prophets so that this can act as a reinforcement for our faith.

(5) Du’as (Supplications)

One of the characteristics of the pious, the servants of Allah is that they turn to Allah through supplication (like I explained before) and ask of Allah to enable them to remain firm and sincere in their faith – that is, by obeying all instructions of Allah given to the believers who have put their faith in Allah and His Messenger, and who follow that which the Messenger of Allah does. We also we must follow the example of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and put into practice what he does for he is our perfect role model. So, without the help of Allah the Almighty and without invoking Allah and supplicating Him, definitely we will not be successful in our spiritual life. Therefore, we must recite frequently this supplication:

“Rabbanaa, afrig-alaynaa sabran wa sabbit aqdaamana” - Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet”

Allah has taught us another duah in Chapter 3 Verse 9: 

“Rabbana laa tuzig quluubanaa ba’-da iz hadaytanaa.” - Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us.

A Hadith by Tirmidhi (No.349) reported that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite frequently this supplication: “O Controller of hearts, enable my heart to remain always firm in Your religion.” 

(6) Zikr Allah (the Remembrance of Allah)

Like you will recall, I delivered several sermons and speeches on Remembrance of Allah; thus in brief, Zikr Allah is a means to remain constantly involved in remembering and glorying our Lord morning and evening and this is also a means to remain firm in the religion of Allah (Islam). The Remembrance of Allah enables us, especially those who are not used to do it to discover for themselves a intimate and secret relation with Allah. Through this act, Allah lifts the veil and let discover a part of His secrets which beforehand were concealed by the several attributes by which we call Him. We can recite these attributes of Allah or recite the several tasbih taught to us by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), not as a routine, a machine-like manner but by concentrating on what we are reciting and letting its meaning penetrate us, until Allah opens for us the door of knowledge and direct our heart to it; such a knowledge and comprehension which makes us understand the grandeur and majesty of Allah.

(7) Education (Tarbiyyat) and Formation

Religious education and formation are very important. If each one of us know how to do our own Tarbiyyat and follow the advices which Allah has given the believers in the Quran and the advices which the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has given us, then these knowledge will benefit us, and in our turn we can educate our children and give them also good formation in matters of religion. Religious education and formation is a training to perfect our faith, whereby we obtain a good spiritual education and formation. Through this also, we get to deal with the downs of life and therefore learn to remain firm in our faith.

(8) Call to Islam – Allah (Dawah)

A soul which is not active in inviting others towards the unique God, is a withering soul, without importance. One of the most important aims in the life of a believer is when he invest his time in calling others towards Allah. 

If a Muslim is not active in putting into practice the acts of worship and show obedience, definitely he will do wrongs, sins and transform into a disobedient person; thus this person’s faith will fade away.

(9) Always remain close with people who help you, and through this means becoming firm in your faith. 

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has mentioned these types of people in a Hadith (Ibn Majah No.237) where he says: “Among people, there are those who open the doors of goodness and close the path of evil.” Always remain in the company of the pious, the truthful, those who loves implementing justice and remaining attached to the commands of Allah and the practices of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). These advices are great help to enable us to remain firm in our faith.

Insha-Allah, may Allah help each of us, young and old alike who are present here to reflect on these words and act upon them. Insha-Allah, Ameen – Soumma Ameen.

The world in which we are living nowadays is at the same time a paradise and hell. It is a paradise for those who have accepted the veracity of the divine manifestation in this era, and it is hell for those who have removed themselves from the circle of Islam, and has stumble into vices of all sorts, to such an extent that they have drown into the sea of vices. We must all come to know of the aspect of this paradise (and approach it) and distanced us from that which this hell is inviting us to. Insha-Allah, next Friday in my sermon I will speak in more detail on this matter and what is our role, be it young and old when faced with this actual situation. Ameen.