بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon


Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-Ud-Din

Al Khalifatullah


Munir Ahmad Azim


22 May 2009


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he read the following verses of the Holy Quran:



“Innii jaa-ilun fil arzi Khalifah”


I am going to place My Vicegerent (Caliph) in the earth. (Chapter 2 Verse 31)



Fa-immaa ya-ti-yan-nakum-minnii hudan faman tabi-a hudaa-ya falaa khawfun alayhim wa laa hum yah-zanuun.


Surely there will come to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. (Chapter 2 Verse 39)


In light of these two verses that I read to you, we see that it is a blessing from Allah, not men.

Once man has reached a certain degree of mental maturity, God has sent prophets to guide him. The advent of these prophets is a great manifestation of God’s grace and a source of His many blessings. When these prophets die, Allah favours the world by giving it another manifestation of His grace – blessing its people by sending Mujaddids, Reformers, and Revivalists, Messiahs or even Caliphs of Allah (Khalifatullah).

The Caliph of Allah (Khalifatullah) as Allah Himself has made clear “Innii jaa ilun fil-Arzi Khalifah”, i.e., Allah Himself, the Most High will place His Khalifah on Earth, and it is not by the vote of men that this Khalifah will be elected. This is by no means the same as the election of a minister or an MP. A Khalifatullah is unique. Why? Because he is not elected by the hand of men, but rather, he is established by God and chosen by Him, Himself. This means that the Khalifatullah is not only intellectually and spiritually speaking, the Chosen One of Allah, but he also commands by his status the highest moral quality. It is for these reasons that a Khalifatullah becomes for the Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) a wealth of blessings.

This divine manifestation has been amply demonstrated by God, with the arrival of a Khalifatullah where there is a spiritual revolution, especially when Islam (the universal religion) is now in a painful and difficult situation. Problems did not wait to come to the surface. When we see many so-called Muslims, and great defenders of Islam trampling the teachings of Islam, we realize that they are Muslims in name only.


Now let us see what the Promised Messiah, the founder of Jamaat Ahmadiyya (on him be peace) has said. In his book Shahadat’ul Quran (on pg. 48 - 60), the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) said: “‘Qudrat-e-Saniyah’ is everlasting and will end till the day of Judgement”. The meaning of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), in this sentence concerning the word “Qudrat-e-Saniyah” implies to “Khilafat”. And according to the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), “Khilafat” does not only implies to “Khilafat-e-Rassool” but it also implies to “Mujaddid”. The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) believes that “Khilafat” includes “the four rightly guided successors of Rassool” and Allah willed that it should continue to exist permanently till the Day of Judgement.


Thus, the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) has not declared the “Ahmadiyya Khilafat” everlasting in his writings. What he has declared everlasting are two things: (1) Qudrat-e-Saniyah (2) Islamic Khilafat.


(1) Qudrat-e-Saniyah includes “Khilafat” and not just the “Ahmadiyya Khilafat”, because the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) wrote in the same book Al-Wassiyat that this Qudrat is similar to the Qudrat which appeared in the form of Hazrat Abu Bakr, the first Islamic Khalifa which means “Qudrat-e-Saniyah” is comparable to the “Islamic Khilafat”.


(2) Islamic Khilafat includes successors of the Prophets, Mujaddids, Messiahs or Khalifatullahs


In the time of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), a man asked him a question: “Will a Mujaddid come after you?” The Promised Messiah replied: “What is wrong with a Mujaddid coming after me?” He said that, the prophethood of Moses had come to an end, and that is why his chain of successors ended with Jesus. However, the dispensation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will last till the Day of Judgement. Therefore, Mujaddids will arise in it till Judgement Day.


As long as the Day of Judgement withholds its destruction, it does not matter that someone else should come. We most certainly do not deny that good and righteous people will continue to come and then all of a sudden the Day of Judgement will come.” (Malfoozat Vol.7 Pg. 119)


The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) continue to write in his book Shahadat’ul Quran on page 46 where he wrote: “For every age the conclusive proving of the case for Islam takes place in a different sense and the Mujaddid of the time comes with the powers, faculties and qualities upon which depends the reformation of the prevalent evils. God will ever continue to do this, as long as He pleases, so that signs of righteousness and reform remain in the world. These matters are not without proof. On the contrary, repeated observations testify to them.”


Another point is that the letter RA in the word Alif-Lam-Ra shows, that these words refer to the permanent institution of Mujaddid and the sent ones, will continue till the Day of Judgement. All these miraculous works and victories which took place  at the hands of the Mujaddid among the followers of the Holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) after him, and will continue till the Day of Judgement, are really the achievements of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)” (Ruhani Khazain No.2 Vol.2 pg.63).


Try to analyse this, my brothers and sisters. The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) also said that after one week, clothes get dirty and of course it should be washed. In this way, after the passing of a full century, is there not the need for a Reviver of Faith, a Khalifatullah? There is, definitely, there is! This is the reason why God established this institution that at the head of every century someone must come for the reform of the people.


There is a question by a visitor who asked the Promised Messiah (on him be peace): “Is it essential that someone comes in every century?” The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) replied: “Yes, it is essential that a Mujaddid (someone) comes in every century.” – The man then asked: “Then tell us who were the Mujaddids of the last centuries.”


The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) replied that, firstly it was not his work to give the names of those Mujaddids. “Put this question to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said that a Mujaddid comes in every century.”


The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) further said that this Hadith (about the coming of Mujaddids) has been accepted by all the authorities. Shah Wali-Ullah has also accepted that this Hadith comes from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). It is contained in the Books of Hadiths and no one ever threw it out, nor said that it should be excluded.


I assure you that this Hadith is not false, but true. It is commonly known that a Mujaddid comes in every century… Just as a century destroys the human body, similarly there also comes about a spiritual death. A new generation is born after a century… In order to revitalise the new generation the law of God (Sunnat Allah) is in force that a Mujaddid comes in every century.


The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) wrote in his book (Izala Auham pg.197) that the door of coming of Messiahs will remain open and never close. He further said: “I am the claimer of Promised Messiah, and this is not the only claim of mine, that only I am the one and the last Promised Messiah. Hence, according to me it is possible that after my age (time period) ten thousands (10,000) Promised Messiahs shall come. But for this age (time period) I am the Promised Messiah.”


Now, after reading the above statement by the Promised Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (on him be peace), nobody has the right to change the above belief of the Promised Messiah about the Islamic Khilafat.


But unfortunately, some people of the Ahmadiyya Community, especially in Mauritius, the so-called Amir and his Mullahs are spreading the wrong concept about Khilafat, and they say that: “Ahmadiyya Khilafat is our life!” and also “Ahmadiyya Khilafat is everlasting”, which is completely wrong according to the belief of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace).


Where are the beliefs of the Ahmadies? Their beliefs in the writings and sayings of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) are true or false? If their belief is true, then why have they rejected these writings of the Promised Messiah? These are not my writings and sayings. These are the writings and sayings of the Promised Messiah in whose words I believe, and you also. But where have all these teachings gone?


You have trampled the teachings of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) to dust. Am I right or you, the so-called Ahmadies are right? Reply me if you are really a true believer in the claim of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace). You will be questioned in front of Allah the Almighty, on the day when you will be alone (and there will be no one who will plead in your favour). Do not hide the truth when the truth has been rendered clear to you. Do not please creature more than you should have pleased the Creator. Have the fear of Allah only, not of creatures, when you have come to discern the truth from the dirt of evil scheming.


Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Quran:



“Wa laa talbisul-Haqqa bil-bastili wa taktumul Haqqa wa antum ta’-lamuun”


And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know. (Chapter 2 Verse 43)


The so-called Ahmadies can say that I am not an Ahmadi. They believed that I was once an Ahmadi, but they ceased to believe that now, only because I said, and am still saying: “I am getting revelation from Allah and I am the Khalifatullah.” They refuse my claim because according to them, there is an existing Khalifa. They have said that: “How is it possible that there is a Khalifa, and you (Munir) says that Allah has chosen you as Khalifatullah. How is that possible?”


The answers are very easy. Read the Holy Quran, and you will find the answer. Study the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and you will obtain your answers. Study also the teachings of the one (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad), in whom both you and I believe and who is the founder of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, and you will get your answers.


According to all of you in the Ahmadiyya Community, you believe that I renounced my faith in the Promised Messiah (on him be peace). Listen to my reply carefully and do not listen to those foolish people who try to judge the faith of others.


“You cut open my heart and look into it, or make others look into it, is beyond human power. I rely on oaths; I see no oath equal to: ‘By Allah, the Great, neither you nor anyone else will accompany me after my death, except my faith and deeds. As this matter will be presented before Allah the Almighty, I swear by Allah, the Great, by Whose leave heaven and earth exist, I believe in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace) to be the Promised Messiah and Mujaddid of his time, I believe him to be righteous, I believe him to be a slave of Muhammad (peace be upon him), Messenger of Allah and a sincere servant of his Shariah. I believe that he is the one who gives news, having received knowledge beforehand from Allah the Almighty, not one who brings a Shariah. This is my belief, and if anyone rejects this, refuses to accept it, or calls me not Ahmadi Muslim, his affair is with God.”


For today, I end this sermon of mine here, and Insha-Allah, I pray Allah that He gives me the strength and opportunity to continue the same topic in my next sermon. I end with these verses:



“Wa man-azlamu mim manif taraa ‘alal laahi kaziban aw kazzaba bi Aayaatih? Innahuu laa yufli-huzzaalimuun.”


And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah or gives the lie to His messages? Surely the wrongdoers will not be successful. (Chapter 6 Verse 22)


After ending this sermon, Allah gave me the following revelation:


‘Atii-‘ullaaha wa ‘atii’ur Rasuula wahzaruu: fa’intawallay’tum fa’lamuuu ‘annamaa ‘alaa Rasuulinal balaagul mubiin.


Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and be cautious. But if you turn back then know that the duty of Our Messenger is only a clear deliverance of the message.