بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon





Munir Ahmad Azim



25 December 2009


(07 Muharram 1431 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)



After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:


Today is Friday 25 December 2009 – lots of people are celebrating Christmas, be them Hindus, Muslims and other religions also. It is most unfortunate to witness today, on such a date (a holiday), when men are going for Jummah, women and children are at home celebrating Christmas and wishing each other Merry Christmas on this occasion. There are even men who prefer stay at home with their family and friends instead of going to the Mosque for Jummah. They consider this act as more praiseworthy than giving their children, wives and other people (in his neighbourhood) real Islamic education.


O Muslims brothers and sisters, have you not got the favour to read the Shahada? Have you not testified that there is no god to be worshipped except Allah? And does it not mean reject all things connected with what the infidels worship besides Allah? Does it not mean that you must abhor all their practices which are filled with conceptions of Shirk?


Verily, Christmas is a festival which the Christians celebrate to commemorate the birth of Jesus, and according to their modern belief, Jesus is a divinity to be worshipped along with Allah (May Allah protect us from such thoughts). Thus, they invented such lies on Allah about Jesus, that they have plunged deep into Shirk. As for you Muslims, your conception is the Unicity of Allah and not trinity! Therefore, why are you celebrating along with these people who have stumbled into Shirk?


Does it mean that you approve of the cross, church, Shirk – associating other divinities with Allah? Bear in mind Muslim brothers and sisters that imitating them in their festivals and practices mean that you (Muslims) are satisfied with their false beliefs, practices and conceptions. I thus ask you a question: You Muslims most of the time loves to judge the faith of your brethrens, to tag them as Muslims or non-Muslims. I do not know where you have got the idea that you have full rights to judge the faith of your Muslims brothers – the same brothers and sisters who pray Salaat like you, turn in worship to Allah alone, belief in the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and read the Holy Quran like you yourself do. Then why do you qualify them as non-Muslims and moreover create hatred on this sole basis.


You Muslims with your so-called defenders of Islam, do you approve that Allah has begotten a son? Bear in mind that Shirk is an injustice to Allah; recall what Allah has said about these kinds of people:


“And they said: ‘Allah has begotten a son’. Surely you have brought forward a monstrous thing.” (Chapter 19 Maryam Verses 89-90)


Will you accept such a horrible belief? Will you not then come forward to fight this injustice done against Allah? Will you then reject all these false practices and return back to your Islam; return back to affirming the u nicety of Allah? Recall what Allah has said about what these creatures said about Allah:


“Thereby the heavens are nearly torn and the earth split asunder, and mountains fall crashing down because they have ascribed a son to the Merciful.” (Chapter Maryam Verse 91-92)


You are those people whom Allah has chosen to become the best of creatures; then will you react like the infidels in their attribution of calumnies to Allah? Would you have celebrated with people who have calumniated your parents? No! Then surely, Allah deserves more consideration from us, and wants us to hate those practices which are great injustice towards Him. Thus do not follow blindly these people in their acts; do not decorate your houses for such events which are their inventions. Do not put like them a fir tree in your house to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Do not listen to politicians who pretend that Christmas is a national festival, and that all Mauritians have to celebrate it. For the true Muslim, Allah’s teachings and the example of His Holy Prophet are foremost in his life.


You are celebrating Christian blindly, but do you know the story of Santa Claus? Is Christmas only commemorating the birth of Jesus?


If you celebrate Christmas on the 25 December, this means that you believe that Jesus was born on a 25 December; but then why are you waiting for him to come down from the heavens? Every December he is being born, but…no cross is being broken, no swine is being killed. On the contrary, on this day lots of people are cooking pork for their Christmas Dinner. Then you Muslims who celebrates Christmas, and expect Jesus to come down on earth, if you admit that Jesus was born on a 25 December, then why do then not go to take the oath of allegiance on his hands every 25 December – an International Oath of Allegiance!


Next question: Was Christmas a festival celebrated by Jesus and his companions? Go and do some researches about these questions on the internet, encyclopaedia, and dictionary. Contact your greatest so-called defenders of Islam who are just fit to create disorder, create hate in the hearts of Muslim brothers and sisters. You shall see that this festival contains in itself a mixture of Shirk of ancient people whom the wrath of Allah has befallen them. Those people have blinded you and you are ignorantly following them without knowing the real teachings of your own religion.


Are you not those Muslims whom Allah has taught you to recite in each cycle of your prayers: “Guide us on the right path; the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your favours; not the path of those who have incurred Your wrath (Jews) and those who have gone astray (Christians).” (Chapter 1 Verse 6-7)?


Therefore, who are those who have gone astray? They are the Christians and therefore we should not take the same path they took. Will you then contradict your prayers made in each cycle of your prayers which you do seventeen times a day (at minimum)? The Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not hesitate to replied Ameen to the Chapter One of the Quran when their Imam used to end its recitation.


O Muslim brothers and sisters, you must realise that following the pagans and Christians’ practices are against the precepts of Islam. Bear in mind that these people will not be satisfied till they succeed in making you let go of your Islam and follow them.


And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion...” (Chapter 2 Verse 121)


Is it the satisfaction of the Christians which is your goal or the satisfaction of Allah? Recall those whom Allah was satisfied with from among the companions of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him) and those who followed them afterwards (Chapter 9 Verse 101) – they were not among those who celebrated Christmas and Christian New Year? Therefore do not attract the wrath of Allah upon you; protect yourselves against those deviating paths which lead to doom.


Bear in mind that Allah the Almighty had sent Jesus (on him be peace) as His Messiah to continue the mission of Moses (on him be peace) and to invite his people towards the worship of the Unique Lord. Instead of holding fast to the true teachings of Moses and Jesus (on them be peace) they have instead falsified these teachings.


Jesus had never taught his people to belief in trinity. Jesus (on him be peace) had never taught his people to celebrate his birthday and he never was bodily (body made of clay) uplifted in the heavens. All these beliefs are fabrications of the Modern Christians (and perceptions of some groups of Muslims)!


May Allah the Almighty rid us of all false beliefs and practices and may He remove all obstacles from our heart and forgive us and guide us always on the right path till we leave this temporal world; not the path of those who have gone astray. Ameen.