In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





Dear brothers/sisters,


May Allah’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you all,




In this era, we are all witnessing the decline of the world in the fields of materialism and individual immorality. The epidemics of entertainment, wealth, and power have spread massively in man’s heart. At the world level, the race for armaments and political games of high powers are amplifying, without diminishing under-development problems and starvation, monetary disorders, criminality and insecurity.


A profound analysis reveals that the roots of all these problems are found, in fact, in the absence of spirituality – in man’s thoughts.




To fill this spiritual gap, only one remedy is efficient: the returning back to the worship of only One God without giving Him any associates. This is the very essence of all religions. That was the main teachings of all past prophets from Abraham (a.s) to Muhammad (pbuh), via Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them). All Holy Books speak about only One God.




God sent many prophets in all parts of the world. Their messages varied according to their level of development respectively without being contradictory.


However, as it should be expected, these messages with times suffered from high degradation. The Holy Books, originally pure, suffered from interpolations. But principally, most of these people elevated their prophets to the rank of God. All these criteria explained the religious diversion which we can see nowadays.




The state of multiple religions with discordant teachings is never everlasting. So, the divine plan had already foreseen that the time would come when only one religion and only one Holy Book should rule over the world. In this case, when the world had reached to such required development and when man, himself, attained to an optimum understanding, God gave rise to a universal prophet, and revealed a complete law through him. That prophet was Muhammad (pbuh) – (570 - 632 AD) and that law is the Holy Quran.




Moses and Jesus both prophetised the coming of Muhammad (pbuh). In the Ancient Testament, God told Moses:


“I will give rise among their brothers (not among themselves) a prophet like you, I will put My words into his mouth, and he will transmit all that I will command him to them. And if someone will not obey to My words which he will deliver in My name, he will have to account in front of Me…” (Deuteronomy 18:18)


And from the Bible Jesus affirmed: “God’s kingdom will be taken away from you and will be given to another people (not Jews) bearer of fruits.” (Matthew, 2 J: 43)


Respectably, we ask all of you to ponder over these arguments. Jesus, the son of Mary was a holy man like all other prophets in the past.




What about the second coming of Jesus?


This second coming was accomplished through Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908). Remember that Jesus explained in his time, that the second coming of a prophet should not be taken literally.


Jean-Baptist he explained was really the second coming of Elijah whom the Jews were waiting for and are still waiting.




It is said: “Whenever Faith will disappear and irreligion will be established in the world, I will be reincarnated. I have come to protect the just ones, to punish the sinners and to re-establish Faith.” (Chapter 4 Bhagavad Gita)


In the same book (Chapter 12) we read: “At the end of Kalyug, sins would be multiplied, Narainji would make his apparition to save religion. Numerous signs have been accomplished.”


“My king, at the end of Kalyug (the time of darkness), innumerable sins would be committed, so Narainji (Krishna) will make his appearance on earth for the protection of Faith, as Kalangi – Avatar (Reformer).”


Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Askand 12, Pg. 623




(1) Here is what is written by a great Hindu astrologer in a newspaper:


“Science research of astrology insists on this point, that in 1900 a new prophet for the whole humanity will make his apparition just like the Messiah did in his time.” (Newspaper TRIBUNE 08.07.1899)


(2) “kannawweyou at sinam torou girnite marteya. Naheha nou asiyya mahemanam iudrayan sowargini nant anshouh. Gadou satouwant (Atharved, kand 20 sawkat 50, Mantras 1,2):


“Who is that man who will praise truth to boost the souls of men? Those who will praise, aren’t they the heirs of Paradise? Seekers of truth ask themselves about that Rishi (Prophet) who will illuminate the earth. O ye Messenger, the light, when will you come after our appeal to you, among the seekers of truth and reality?”


In these Mantras (verses), the arrival of a Rishi is announced. An appeal is addressed to him for the benefits of his blessings and for spiritual progress.


(3) Guru Baba Nanak had remarked:


“The Mughals (in India) will reign from 1578 to 1897 of the Bikram Era then a reformer will make his apparition.




“But the 20th Century is drawing near its end and the Hindus are still waiting”.




(i) The Holy Quran predicts a period of one thousand years when Islam will suffer a severe declination:


He will plan His Ordinance from the heavens unto the earth, then will it go up to Him in a day the duration of which is a thousand years according as you reckon.”


(Surah Al Sajda Ch. 32, V.6)

(ii) The Holy Prophet (pbuh) predicted that the declination of Islam will start 300 years after his advent:

“The best century is the time in which I am living, then the second and the third also will be good; then falsehood will spread; Truth will disappear, cruelty, excess, differences and divergence will appear.”

 (iii) Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) placed his hands on the shoulders of Salman Farsi (Salman the Persian) and said:

“Law kanal Imano mo' allaqau Bissourayya lana lahou rajoloun min haoulee

Even if faith had been hung to the farthest star, a man from the descendants of the Persian would have brought it back.

(Bukhari, Kitaboul Tafsir)

That is, when Faith will suffer a great decline on the surface of the earth, a man of Persian descent will bring it back firmly in man’s heart.


(iv) According to a Hadith, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:


“Rajolun min Oummati”


He will be a man from My community.


(Hojojoul Kerama pg. 362)


(v) Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said:


Al Mahdi min Itrati: The Mahdi will be from my Itrat


(Kanzoul Ummal, Vol.7, pg.186)

“ITRAT” as explained by Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq means, belief, as each believer belongs to the Itrat of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).


(vi) Muslims unanimously recognised that a Reformer should make his appearance during the last decade. From the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) till today, no Muslim expressed the contrary. Everyone agrees that a Reformer should come. And nowadays all Muslims are waiting for his appearance.


The words of God and of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) have already been accomplished and God gifted us the bliss to accept him. Glory be to Him.


(vii) The Messiah said:


“Time quotes the advent of the Messiah and no one else. If I did not proclaim, surely, some other one would have come.”


The one who has the fear of God, only one sign suffices.”





After the advent of the second Messiah, in the time we are living now, God the Almighty has sent His Vicegerent on earth to perfect the world with the Unicity of God. God is an Everliving God who spoke to His servants in the past, who is still speaking with His chosen servant and who will speak to till the Day of Judgement as per His commandment.


Nowadays, we are living the hardest time of existence where immorality has wrapped the world and where people are being deviated from the existence of God, choosing a temporary world to a better and eternal life.


In the year 2001, God in His ultimate glory manifested Himself and covered one of His chosen servants, Munir Ahmad Azim with His Perfect Light, honouring him with divine revelation. In the year 2003, because of intensive persecutions, God ordained His chosen servant to set up his own community in the Most Perfect religion which is Islam, so as to reunite all people who have the fear of God in their heart and who want to follow the right path.


Thus, on the 8 May 2003, the JAMAAT AHMADIYYA AL MOUSLEMEEN was created and God Himself had chosen this name for all those who want to follow the right guidance.


At the beginning of the year 2003 itself, God raised His chosen servant to the rank of “Amir’ul Momeneen” (the Chief of all believers) and on the 26 July and 6 December 2003, he had been honoured with the titles of Hazrat (His Excellence) and Muhyi-ud-Din (Reviver of Faith) respectively.


God held his hands firmly in His in all circumstances (Alhamdolillah) and granted him and his brother in faith, Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Mukarram Zafrullah Domun, the title of “Khalillullah” (sincere Friend of Allah). Because of the sincere belief, which Mr. Zafrullah Domun had had in the revelations of Allah bestowed upon His Chosen Servant, Allah had elevated him also as the Hazrat Amir’oul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim, as two sincere Friends charged with the Divine message, warners and bearers of glad tidings in this golden era.


Unfortunately, later in the year 2007, Mr. Zafrullah Domun, the same man whom Allah had honoured because he had supported the Servant of God in the quest for truth, turned his own back. He renounced in his belief in the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era and thus betrayed the trust which the Messenger of God had on him, just like Judas had betrayed the Prophet and Messiah Jesus Christ.


After the betrayal of Mr. Zafrullah Domun, Allah ordained His Muhyi-ud-Din to go and found another Jamaat so as to accomplish His Divine Plan (Mission). This Jamaat is none other than the JAMAAT UL SAHIH AL ISLAM. For more details please click here.


This is a Golden era as God is showering His Grace and Favours abundantly. This era will repeat each time when Allah will send someone who comes from Him along with the Divine Message to revive all those who have died spiritually and this will continue like this till the Day of Judgement.




Do not wait infinitely. God is Everliving and He is manifesting Himself through His Messenger just to let know you know that He is Omnipresent (always present amongst you) and whoever wants to follow the right guidance of Allah will beneficiate the comfort of His Love.


We invite all of you to join us under the banner of the second Messiah (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) and the Muhyi-ud-Din (Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim) of this era.


We will be glad to supply you with the necessary details about the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam and its place in the great Divine Plan.


Write to us on the following address:



General P.O Box 599, Port-Louis

Republic of Mauritius




Munir Ahmad Azim

Ever in the Quest of Divine Forgiveness


23 March 2008

Year 1429 A.H