Text Box: Love: The One Fundamental Truth

Love is born to the parents of faith,
Faith survives the trials of life,
Life gives the real essence of Truth,
Truth greets the heart of the one who holds fear of God,
God the Merciful;
Giving the world the enchanted blessings of divine light;
Within the melody of the flute which pierced the heart with longing
Of a brand new day;
A brand new hope;
Hope to erase the miseries of the past;
Past days to be remembered for their morals,
And new days to abide by their flavour,
The flavour of Love comes from a pure heart;
The purity of which washes the evil of every persisted satan,
Which holds the heart hostage;
In this world of misery,
That is why ‘God has come down on earth’ again,
To revive the lost meaning of Love ...

16th March 2004

Munir Ahmad Azim
Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din