A Wish Within


Roses art red,

So is Thy love for me,

My hope is in Thy hands,

May I always seek refuge in Thee,

Thy praises fill the whole of existence,

Every particle of my being glorifies Thee,

Thou art my Loving Friend,

Roses art in full bloom,

The garden of Thy love is in spring,

May the heart ever remain the foundation of Thy exquisite love,

The sun and the moon, hand in hand,

Praises Thee from their realm,

My realm is Thee,

Without Thee, I die a hundred deaths,

What is life without Thee?

Life is no life without Thee!

The world is in tears and repents bitterly,

For the worst of sins it hast committed,

The soil has rejected Thy light,

And filled itself with filth,

The Redness of the Roses will ever remain red,

If only the heart does love it contains,

From the beginning of time,

Still chanting the hymn of a beautiful love story,

That of the Lord and His servant,

And the vicious attempts of Satan,

To destroy the faith of man in God Almighty,

Will ever remain devoid of any success,

For Goodness will always vanquish evil,

For the power of the Lord is Great and will ever remain so.


27th May 2005


© Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din

Munir Ahmad Azim