Received 20 June 2008 in the morning


I left my home to look for my Lord

The desire to see my Lord made me come close to Him,

The teachings of Rassoollullah (s.a.w) guided me to my Goal,

This is how I tamed my mind

I attached myself to the words given by my master (s.a.w)


And through His grace the Lord united me with Himself

Let my life be extinguished without Thee

I have made sure by asking it of My Lord

There is no abode for me save Thine, O my Lord

I am a sacrifice to Allah a hundred times a day

Who made angels of men and, Lo without delay.

If one cannot see the Lord what can one say of Him?

I am a sacrifice to my Lord

Who hath shown Him to me within my heart.

I ask from my Lord for I do as He directs.

All praise to the divine word for if it takes abode in the mind

The agony of ego is burnt down.

I bow low before my Lord

By whose grace I have seen Him

My compassionate master (s.a.w) ever remained merged in love of the Lord;

Day and night he attuned himself to the One and believed in Him since he hath seen Him.


I am a sell off to Thee O my Lord

How fortunate am I that I am Thy slave

In exchange for Thy word, O my Lord

I have sold myself at Thy shop

And now I go the way Thou biddest.

O Allah, I have no sanctuary save Thy name

It is my only treasure; which Thou giveth to me.

I am forever beholden to Thee.